P9b 10 afghanis 1307 (1928)wmk XF 100.00
P29 5 afghanis 1327 (1948)Kg.Zahir/Fortress UN 50.00
P37 10 afghanis 1340 (1961)Kg.Zahir/Mosque UN 20.00
P38 20 afghanis 1340 (1961)Kg.Zahir/Monument UN 35.00
P43 50 afghanis 1346 (1967)Kg.Zahir/Mosque UN 25.00
P44 100 afghanis 1349 (1967)Kg.Zahir/Monument UN 50.00
Republic (Pres.M.Daud)
P47a 10 afghanis 1352 (1973)Daud/Archway UN 7.00
P47c 10 afghanis 1356 (1977)Daud/Archway UN 6.00
P48c 20 afghanis 1356 (1977)Daud/City UN 10.00
P49a 50 afghanis 1352 (1973)Daud/Horseman UN 18.00
P49c 50
afghanis 1356 (1977)Daud/Horseman UN 16.00
P50a 100 afghanis 1352 (1973)Daud/Mosque in
Heart UN 25.00
P50c 100 afghanis 1356 (1977)Daud/Mosque in
Heart UN 20.00
P52 500 afghanis 1356 (1977)Daud/Fortress UN 40.00
P53c 1000 afghanis 1356 (1977)Daud/Mosque of
Mazar UN 60.00
Democratic Republic
P59 500 afghanis 1358 (1979)Buzkashi
game/Fortress at Kabul UN 25.00
P60a 500 afghanis 1358 (1979)Buzkashi
game/Fortress at Kabul UN 5.00
P60b 500 afghanis 1369 (1990)Buzkashi
game/Fortress at Kabul UN 5.00
P60c 500 afghanis 1370 (1991)Buzkashi
game/Fortress at Kabul UN 5.00
P61a2 1000 afghanis 1358 (1979)Hosque/Archways UN 18.00
P61b 1000 afghanis 1369 (1990)Mosque/Archways UN 6.00
P61c1 1000 afghanis 1370 (1991)Mosque/Archways UN 6.00
P61c2 1000 afghanis 1370 (1991)Mosque/Archways UN 6.00
P62 5000 afghanis 1372 (1993)Mosque/Shrine UN 6.00
P63a 10000 afghanis 1372 (1993)Mosque/Arched
gateway UN 18.00
P63b 10000 afghanis 1372 (1993)Mosque/Arched
gateway UN 6.00
P3 20 franga 1926 Boy/View F 60.00
P6 5 franga 1939 5/Arms F 20.00
P7 20 franga 1939 Seated Roma/Arms F 25.00
P7 20 franga 1939 Seated Roma/Arms VF 60.00
P8 100 franga 1940 Woman/Arms F 60.00
P11 10 leke 1944 Arms/Arms VF 10.00
Peoples Republic
P28 10 leke 1957 Arms/Arms UN 8.00
P29 50 leke 1957 Skanderber/Soldier UN 10.00
P30 100 leke 1957 Soldier/ UN 12.00
P31 500 leke 1957 Harvesting/Peasant UN 24.00
P32 1000 leke 1957 Oil wells/Miner UN 32.00
P36 10 leke 1964 Cotton spinning/Frasheri UN 35.00
P39 100 leke 1964 Dam/Steel workers UN 120.00
P41 3 leke 1976 Grape harvest/Saranda UN 6.00
P42 5 leke 1976 Truck,train/SS “Daijti” UN 6.00
P43 10 leke 1976 Cotton spinning/Frasheri UN 8.00
P45a 50 leke 1976 Troops/Construction UN 32.00
P46 100 leke 1976 Dam/Steel workers UN 120.00
P48b 500 leke 1996 Woman,sunflowers/Landscape UN 45.00
P53 500 leke 1992 Frasheri/Rural mountains,candle UN 60.00
P55 100 leke 1994 Kombetar/Falcon UN 24.00
P55 100 leke 1996 Kombetar/Falcon UN 20.00
P61c 1000 leke 1996 Skanderber/Kruja
fortress,arms UN 100.00
P62 100
leke 1996 Noli/Building UN 12.00
P63 200 leke 1996 Frasheri/Building UN 18.00
P64 500 leke 1996 Qemali/House UN 35.00
P67 200 leke 2001 Frasheri/Building UN 10.00
P68 500 leke 2001 Qemali/House UN 25.00
P69 1000 leke 2001 Bogdani/Church UN 50.00
P74 2000 leke 2007 Gent/Amphitheatre UN 50.00
P76 200 leke 2017 Frasheri/Building UN 6.00
P77 500 leke 2020 Qemali/House UN 10.00
p/h 5 francs 1918 Mercury/Head
17.6.1918 VG 70.00
p/h 5 francs 1918 Mercury/Head
4.11.1918 VG 70.00
p/h 5 francs 1941 Girl/Woman
15.3.1941 F 15.00
p/h 20 francs 1942 Woman/Boys
5.2.1942 F 10.00
p/h 20 francs 1942 Woman/Boys
6.2.1942 VF 20.00
p/h 20 francs 1942 Woman/Boys
16.2.1942 F 10.00
p/h 1000 francs 1942 Family
and field work/Woman F 150.00
Allied occupation
P91 5 francs 1942 5/Allegorical woman XF 30.00
P92 20 francs 1943 Woman/Boys 7.5.1943 F 20.00
P92 20 francs 1943 Woman/Boys 24.4.1943 VF 30.00
French Colony
P99 2 francs 1944 seria “A” AU 60.00
p/h 10 new francs 1960 Man/Plowing w/oxen
29-7-1960 VF 150.00
p/h 10 new francs 1961 Man/Plowing w/oxen
10-2-1961 F 100.00
P127a 10 dinars 1970 Peacock/Elderly man UN 200.00
P127b 10 dinars 1970 Peacock/Elderly man UN 180.00
P128 100 dinars 1970 Airport/Antelope UN 170.00
P130 50 dinars 1977 Flock/Tractor UN 95.00
P131b 100 dinars 1981 Mosque/Agriculture UN 30.00
P132b 10 dinars 1983 Train/Village UN 12.00
P133a 20 dinars 1983 Vase/Tower UN 12.00
P134 100 dinars 1982 Mosque/Agriculture UN 30.00
P135b 200 dinars 1983 Monument/Building UN 50.00
P137 100 dinars 1992 Battle of El
Harrach/Galley UN 12.00
P138b 200 dinars 1992 Koranic school/Mosque UN 25.00
P141b 500 dinars 1998 Hannibal's army/ UN 40.00
P142b 1000 dinars 1998 Cave paintings/Antelope,rock UN 100.00
P145 500 dinars 2018 Satellite,globe/Satellite
dishes UN 30.00
Portuguese Colony
p/h 50 centavos 1924 Woman
plowing/Industry F 50.00
P70 1 angolar 1948 Boats/Antelope F 70.00
P88 50 escudos 1956 Carvalho/Antelopes F 40.00
P92 20 escudos 1962 Tomas/Gazelles UN 90.00
P93 50 escudos 1962 Tomas/Antelopes F 10.00
P98 1000 escudos 1970 Tomas/Antelopes F 20.00
P99 20 escudos 1972 Carmona/Plant UN 15.00
P101 100 escudos 1972 Carmona/Palm UN 15.00
P105 50 escudos 1973 Camoes/Plant UN 15.00
P106 100 escudos 1973 Camoes/Palm UN 15.00
P107 500 escudos 1973 Camoes/Rock formation UN 45.00
P108 1000 escudos 1973 Camoes/Waterfalls UN 60.00
Peoples Republic
P109 20
kwanzas 1976 Neto/Troops UN 30.00
P110 50
kwanzas 1976 Neto/Farming UN 30.00
P111 100
kwanzas 1976 Neto/Textile factory workers UN 30.00
P118 50
kwanzas 1984 Santos and Neto/Classroom UN 15.00
P118 repl 50 kwanzas 1984 Santos and Neto/Classroom “ZC” UN 40.00
P121a 1000 kwanzas 1984 Santos and Neto/Troops UN 100.00
P121b 1000
kwanzas 1987 Santos and Neto/Troops UN 100.00
P123 500 novo kwanzas 1991 Santos and Neto/Oil rig UN 100.00
P126 100
kwanzas 1991 Santos and Neto/Rock formation UN 10.00
P128b 500
kwanzas 1991 Santos and Neto/Mountain view UN 25.00
P129b 1000
kwanzas 1991 Santos and Neto/Bank UN 30.00
P131b 10000
kwanzas 1991 Santos and Neto/Antelope herd UN 35.00
P132 50000
kwanzas 1991 Santos and Neto/Kalandua waterfalls UN 80.00
P134 500000
kwanzas 1991 Santos and Neto/Rhinoceros UN 25.00
P135 1000
kwanzas 1995 Santos and Neto/Antelope UN 10.00
P138 50000
kwanzas 1995 /Telecommunication station UN 15.00
P139 100000
kwanzas 1995 Santos and Neto/Mask, pottery UN 12.00
P140 500000
kwanzas 1995 Santos and Neto/Dam UN 15.00
P145a 10
kwanzas 1999 Santos and Neto/Antelope UN 10.00
P151A 5
kwanzas 2012 Santos and Neto/Waterfalls UN 6.00
P151B 10
kwanzas 2012 Santos and Neto/Waterfalls UN 7.00
P153b 100
kwanzas 2012 Santos and Neto/Waterfalls UN 7.00
P260b comm 1 peso 1947 “1916-1947”s.Palars-Revestido UN 12.00
P270 10 pesos 1954 Martin/Meeting s.Fabregas-Delfino UN 10.00
P272 100 pesos 1954 /Spanish landin s.Mastropierro-Elizalde UN 20.00
P272 100 pesos 1954 /Spanish landing s.Ianella-Real UN 20.00
P274 1000 pesos 1954 /Sailing ship s.Fabregas-Delfino AU 60.00
P275 5 pesos 1960 /Bldg s.Fabregas-Delfino UN 16.00
P277 100 pesos 1967 /Spanish landing s.Ianella-Real UN 16.00
P277 100 pesos 1967 /Spanish landing s.Mastropierro-Ianella UN 16.00
P287a 1 peso 1970 /llao-Llao s.Mastropierro-Ianella UN 6.00
P294 repl 5 pesos 1973 /Monument s.Mondelli-Cairoli UN 20.00
P301 50 pesos 1976 /Hot springs at Jujuy s.Porta-Diz UN 6.00
P301 50 pesos 1976 /Hot springs at Jujuy s.Campas-Diz UN 6.00
P302a 100 pesos 1976 /Ushuaia,Tierra del Fuego s.Porta-Diz UN 7.00
P302b 100 pesos 1976 /Ushuaia,Tierra del Fuego s.Campas-Diz UN 7.00
P303 500 pesos 1976 /Monument at Mendoza s.Lopez-Diz UN 12.00
P303 500 pesos 1976 /Monument at Mendoza s.Campas-Diz UN 12.00
P303 500 pesos 1976 /Monument at Mendoza s.Lopez-Ianella UN 5.00
P304b 1000 pesos 1976 /Plaza de Mayo s.Porta-Diz wmk.arms UN 7.00
P304b 1000 pesos 1976 /Plaza de Mayo s.Lopez-Diz wmk.star UN 7.00
P304 repl 1000 pesos 1976 /Plaza de Mayo s.Lopez-Ianella wmk.star UN 27.00
P350b 5000 pesos 1976 /Mar del Plata s.Lopez-Solar UN 6.00
P306 10000 pesos 1976 /National park s.Compa-Diz wmk.arms UN 10.00
P306 10000 pesos 1976 /National park s.Lopez-Diz wmk.arms UN 10.00
P306 10000 pesos 1976 /National park s.Lopez-Solar wmk.star UN 6.00
P306 repl 10000 pesos 1976 /National park s.Lopez-Solar wmk.star UN 25.00
P307 50000 pesos 1979 /Bank s.Lopez-Diz wmk.arms UN 6.00
P308b 100000 pesos 1979 /Casa de Moneda wmk.star UN 12.00
P309 500000 pesos 1980 /Fouding of Buenos Aires s.Lopez-Ianella UN 24.00
P310 1000000 pesos 1981 /Independence Declaration s.Lopez-Solar UN 90.00
P313 repl 10 pesos 1983 /Coastline at Ushuaia s.Lopez-Vazquez UN 15.00
P314 repl 50 pesos 1983 /Hot springs at Jujuy s.Lopez-Vazquez UN 15.00
P317b 1000 pesos 1983 /Battle scene s.Lopez-Vazquez UN 8.00
P318 5000
pesos 1983 /Constitutional
meeting s.Lopez-Vazquez UN 16.00
P320 1
austral 1985 Ovpt.green/Blue wmk.sunburst UN 12.00
P321 5
australes 1985 Ovpt.purple/Brown wmk.head UN 32.00
P322a “A” 10 australes 1985 Ovpt.blue/Blue wmk.head UN 30.00
P322b 10 australes 1985 Ovpt.blue/Green wmk.head UN 7.00
P322c 10 australes 1985 Ovpt.blue/Green wmk.star UN 7.00
P323 1 austral 1986 /Liberty s.Salama-Machinea UN 7.00
P323 repl 1 austral 1986 /Liberty s.Salama-Machinea UN 15.00
P324 5 australes 1986 /Liberty s.Salama-Machinea UN 6.00
P324 repl 5 australes 1986 /Liberty s.Salama-Machinea UN 15.00
P325b repl 10 australes 1986 /Liberty s.Salama-Machinea UN 15.00
P328a 500 australes 1988 /Liberty s.Salama-Machinea wmk.liberty UN 6.00
P328b 500 australes 1986 /Liberty s.Paul-Fraga wmk.star UN 6.00
P329a 1000 australes 1986 /Liberty s.Salama-Machinea wmk.liberty UN 12.00
P329d 1000 australes 1986 /Liberty s.Paul-Fraga wmk.star UN 12.00
P329e 1000 australes 1986 /Liberty s.Iorio-Fraga wmk.star UN 8.00
P339a 1 peso 1992 /Parliament s.Murolo-Fernandez UN 16.00
P339a repl 1 peso 1992 /Parliament s.Murolo-Fernandez UN 35.00
P341a 5 pesos 1992 /Monument s.Murolo-Fernandez UN 45.00
P346a 2 pesos 1997 Mitre/Museum s.Pou-Pierri UN 12.00
P346b 2 pesos 1997 Mitre/Museum s.Maccarone/Pascual UN 12.00
P353a 5 pesos 2002 San Martin/Monument s.Redrado-Scioli UN 5.00
P353a 5 pesos 2002 San Martin/Monument s.Pout-Boudou UN 5.00
P355 20 pesos 2003 /Sailing ship s.Sturzenegger-Michetti UN 10.00
P356 50 pesos 2003 Sarmiento/Palace s.Fabrega-Dominguez UN 50.00
P357a 100 pesos 2003 Roca/Painting s.del Pont-Cobos UN 95.00
P358a “A” 100 pesos 2012 Ewita Peron s.Pont-Boudou UN 45.00
P360 10
pesos 2016 Balgrano/Troops
s.Vanoli-Dominguez UN 5.00
P361a 20 pesos 2017 /Patagonia s.Sturzenegger-Michetti UN 6.00
P365c 500 pesos 2016 Jaguar/Yungas jungle s.Pesce-Massa UN 5.00
P366d 1000 pesos 2017 Hornero/Pampa s.Pesce-Massa UN 7.00
P367 1000 pesos 2023 San Martin/Crossing of the Andes UN 10.00
P368a 2000 pesos 2023 Dr.Carillo,Dr.Grierson/ s.Morean-Pesce UN 9.00
P368b 2000 pesos 2023 Dr.Carillo,Dr.Grierson/ s.Morean-Pesce UN 9.00
Regional,Emergency,Private notes
S481b p/h 1 peso 1869 Provincia Buenos Ayres F 40.00
S615 1
peso 1891 B.H.Provincia
de Buenos Aires VF 65.00
S1814 4 reales 1868 Banco Parana F 90.00
S-NL2 5 pesos 2006 Alberdi (LECOP) UN 11.00
P30 50
rubley 1919 Dragons/ UN 200.00
P31 100 rubley 1919 Mount Ararat/Eagle F 30.00
Watermark: wmk1 -outlined
arms, wmk2 -refined arms
P35 wmk1 50
dram 1993 Museum/Parliament UN 7.00
P36a wmk1 100 dram 1993 Mt.Ararat&church/Theater in Yerevan UN 20.00
P36b wmk2 100 dram 1993 Mt.Ararat&church/Theater in Yerevan UN 20.00
P37a wmk1 200 dram 1993 Church St.Hripsine/ UN 20.00
P37b wmk2 200 dram 1993 Church St.Hripsine/ UN 26.00
P38a wmk1 500 dram 1993 Mt.Ararat, Kg.Tigran II/Book UN 50.00
P38b wmk2 500 dram 1993 Mt.Ararat, Kg.Tigran II/Book UN 60.00
P39 1000
dram 1994 M.Mashtotz/Matenadaran UN 50.00
P44 500
dram 1999 Tamanyan/Building UN 20.00
P45 1000
dram 1999 Y.Charents/Old
Yerevan city UN 30.00
P50 1000
dram 2001 Y.Charents/Old
Yerevan city UN 8.00
P51 5000 dram 2003 Tumanyan/Lory Mountains UN 40.00
P59 1000 dram 2015 Y.Charents/Old Yerevan city UN 5.00
P60 500 dram 2017 Noah’s Ark in folder UN 20.00
P61 1000 dram 2018 Sevak/Sevak house UN 7.00
P62 2000 dram 2018 Petrosysn/Chess house UN 15.00
P63 5000 dram 2018 Saroyan/Yerevan UN 45.00
P64 10000 dram 2018 Soghomonian/Gevorkian seminary UN 90.00
P1 5 florin 1986 Costal view/Arms UN 35.00
P6 5 florin 1990 White
turtle/Precolumbian art UN 40.00
P16 10 florin 2003 Indian conch/Precolumbian art UN 35.00
P17 25 florin 2003 Rattlesnake/Precolumbian art UN 45.00
British Colony
P22 1
pound 1933 Kg.George
V/ VG 140.00
P25b 10 shillings 1942 Kg.George VI/Manufactures F 60.00
P26b 1 pound 1942 Kg.George VI/Shepherds with sheep F 40.00
P26b 1 pound 1942 Kg.George VI/Shepherds with sheep F 40.00
P27b 5
pounds 1941 Kg.George VI/ F 150.00
Commonwealth of Australia
P30 1
pound 1953 Qn.Elizabeth
II/ VF 50.00
P33 10
shillings 1954 Flinder/ F 45.00
P33 10
shillings 1954 Flinder/ F 45.00
P34 1
pound 1961 Qn.Elizabeth
II/ F 20.00
P34 1
pound 1961 Qn.Elizabeth
II/ F 20.00
P35 5 pounds 1960 Franklin/Bull,sheep,cow F 50.00
P37a 1 dollar 1966 Qn.Elizabeth II/Aboriginal art F 20.00
P38a 2 dollars 1966 McArthur,sheep/Farrel,wheat VF 30.00
P39a 5 dollars 1967 Banks/Chisholm F 30.00
P39a 5 dollars 1967 Banks/Chisholm VF 45.00
P39b 5 dollars 1972 Banks/Chisholm VF 40.00
P42b 1 dollar 1983 Qn.Elizabeth II/Aboriginal art UN 20.00
P42c 1 dollar 1984 Qn.Elizabeth II/Aboriginal art UN 20.00
P42d 1 dollar 1985 Qn.Elizabeth II/Aboriginal art UN 10.00
P43c 2
dollars 1985 MacArtur,sheep/Wheat sign.K-S UN 40.00
P43e 2
dollars 1985 MacArtur,sheep/Wheat sign.J-F UN 12.00
P44e 5 dollars 1985 Banks/Chriholm F 8.00
P44f 5 dollars 1987 Banks/Chriholm F 8.00
P44g 5 dollars 1991 Banks/Chriholm VF 12.00
P44g 5 dollars 1991 Banks/Chriholm UN 35.00
P45c 10 dollars 1985 Greenway/Lawsoa F 18.00
P45e 10 dollars 1985 Greenway/Lawsoa F 18.00
P45g 10 dollats 1991 Greenway/Lawsoa UN 60.00
P48a 100 dollars 1984 Mawson/Tebbutt VF 180.00
P49a 10 dollars 1988 “Bicentennial” UN 65.00
P49a 10 dollars 1988 “Bicentennial” in folder UN 80.00
P50c 5 dollars 1992 Qn.Elizabeth II/Parliament UN 50.00
P54 50 dollars 1995 Unaipon/Cowan in folder UN 500.00
P56a 5 dollars 2001 Centennial 1901-2001 UN 30.00
P57 5 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth II/Parliament UN 15.00
P57 5 dollars 2006 Qn.Elizabeth II/Parliament UN 15.00
P57 5 dollars 2007 Qn.Elizabeth II/Parliament UN 15.00
P58 10 dollars 2008 Paterson/Mary Gilmore UN 24.00
P62 5 dollars 2016 Qn.Elizabeth II/Parliament UN 12.00
P63 10 dollars 2017 Paterson/Mary Gilmore UN 18.00
P64 20 dollars 2019 Reibey/Flynn UN 40.00
P65a 50 dollars 2018 Unaipon/Cowan “Error” UN 100.00
A153 1 gulden 1882 Medallic head/ VG 40.00
P8a 1000 krone 1902 Woman/ VF 20.00
P49 1 krone 1919 Ovet#20 UN 6.00
P51 10 kronen 1915 Ovet#19 UN 10.00
P53 20 kronen 1913 Woman/ 2 Auflage UN 10.00
P66 10000 kronen 1919 Ovet#65 2 Auflage AU 60.00
P73 1 krone 1922 Red.Uniface UN 4.00
P78 1000 kronen 1922 Woman/ UN 15.00
P79 5000 kronen 1922 Woman/ F 20.00
P80 50000 kronen 1922 Woman/ F 45.00
P89 10 schilling 1925 Man/ F 250.00
P93 5 schilling 1927 Dr.Brucke/Steirmark F 40.00
Allied Occupation
P102b 50 groschen 1944 wmk.wavy lines XF 15.00
P103a 1 schilling 1944 wmk.barely
visible,wavy lines VF 12.00
P103b 1 schilling 1944 wmk.wavy lines XF 20.00
P104b 2 schilling 1944 wmk.wavy lines F 5.00
P109 50 schilling 1944 XF 25.00
P114a 10 schilling 1945 Woman/Mountains 5-dig# XF 30.00
P114b 10 schilling 1945 Woman/Mountains 6-dig# VF 20.00
P115 10 schilling 1945 Woman/Mountains F 15.00
P118 100 schillings 1945 Woman/Academy F 18.00
P121 5 schillings 1945 Dr.Hans von
Brucke/Erzberg F 15.00
P122 10 shillings 1946 Woman/Tower in Solbad
Hall F 35.00
P122 10 schilling 1946 Woman/Tower in Solbad
Hall VF 90.00
P123 20 schilling 1946 Woman/Church in Vienna F 50.00
P126 5 schillings 1951 Brucke/Mine G 10.00
P128 10 schilling 1950 Horseman/ 2.auflage F 10.00
P129 20 schilling 1950 Haydn/ VF 80.00
P130 50 schilling 1951 Prandtauer/Cloister VG 20.00
P132 100 schilling 1949 Woman/Mermaid 2.auflage F 90.00
P133 100 schilling 1954 Grillparzer/Durnstein VF 100.00
P136 20 schilling 1956 Weisbach/Mountains UN 90.00
P137 50 schilling 1962 Wettstein/Castle AU 80.00
P138 100 schillins 1960 J.Strauss/Schonbrunn
castle F 15.00
P142 20 schilling 1967 Ghega/Semmering UN 15.00
P145 100 schilling 1969 Kauffmann/ UN 40.00
P146 100 shillings 1969 Kauffmann/ 2 Auflage F 5.00
P146 100 schilling 1969 Kauffmann/ 2 Auflage VF 10.00
P146 100 schilling 1969 Kauffmann/ 2 Auflage XF 30.00
P148 20 schilling 1985 Daffinger/Albertina UN 10.00
P151 500 schilling 1985 Otto Wabner/Bank F 30.00
P11a 1 manat 1992
P12 10 manat 1992
P13b 250 manat 1992
P14a 1 manat 1993
P15a 5 manat 1993
P16a 10 manat 1993
P17a 50 manat 1993
P17b 50 manat 1993
P18a 100 manat 1993
P18b 100 manat 1993
P19b 500 manat 1993 Gencevi/Ornaments
serie“BA” UN 6.00
P20a 1000 manat 1993 Resulzado/Ornaments serie“A/1” UN 30.00
P20b 1000 manat 1993 Resulzado/Ornaments
serie“BD” UN 30.00
P21b 10000 manat 1994 Shirvansha’s Palace/Ornaments
serie“CB” UN 40.00
P23 1000 manat 2001 Oil industry/ UN 5.00
P24 1 manat 2005 Music/Map UN 6.00
P9a“A/3” 4 shillings 1936 Kg.George VI/Arms F 150.00
P9b“A/4” 4 shillings 1936 Kg.George VI/Arms F 150.00
P9d“A/6” 4 shillings 1936 Kg.George VI/Arms VG 60.00
P10c“A/5” 10 shillings 1936 Kg.George VI/Arms VG 140.00
P11e“A/9” 1 pound 1936 Kg.George VI/Arms F 170.00
P13b“A/3” 4 shillings 1953 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms F 50.00
P13b“A/3” 4 shillings 1953 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms VF 150.00
P14a“A/1” 10 shillings 1953 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms F 150.00
P14d“A/3” 10 shillings 1953 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms F 75.00
P17 ˝ dollar 1967 Qn.Elizabeth II/Market VF 15.00
P17 ˝ dollar 1967 Qn.Elizabeth II/Market UN 100.00
P18a 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Coral reef sign.x2 VF 25.00
P18b 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Coral reef sign.x3 VF 25.00
P19 3 dollars 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Paradise beach VF 40.00
P26 ˝ dollar 1968 Qn.Elizabeth II/Market AU 40.00
P26 ˝ dollar 1968 Qn.Elizabeth II/Market UN 60.00
P27 1 dollar 1968 Qn.Elizabeth II/Coral reef VF 10.00
P29 5 dollars 1968 Qn.Elizabeth II/Palace F 50.00
State (from 1973)
P35a 1 dollar 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Coral reef sign.D XF 15.00
P35a 1 dollar 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Coral reef sign.D UN 35.00
P35a 1 dollar 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Coral reef sign.D UN 35.00
P42 ˝ dollar 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Sister Sarah UN 25.00
P43a 1 dollar 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Police band sigm.A UN 35.00
P43b 1 dollar 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Police band sign.S UN 45.00
P44 3 dollars 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Sail-boats UN 25.00
P45b 5 dollars 1984 Qn.Elizabeth II/Dancers F 20.00
P50 comm 1 dollar 1992 “Columbus landfall 1492” UN 32.00
P51 1 dollar 1992 Qn.Elizabeth II/Police band UN 24.00
P57 1 dollar 1996 Qn.Elizabeth II/Police band UN 20.00
P63a 5 dollars 1997 Wallace/Dancers UN 60.00
P63b 5 dollars 2001 Wallace/Dancers UN 50.00
P65 20 dollars 1997 Butler/Port low#50 UN 220.00
P65 20 dollars 1997 Butler/Port low#51 UN 220.00
P65A 20 dollars 2000 Butler/Port UN 180.00
P68 ˝ dollar 2001 Qn.Elizabeth II/Sister Sarah UN 5.00
P69 1 dollar 2001 Pindling/Police band UN 7.00
P70 1 dollar 2002 Qn.Elizabeth II/Police band UN 18.00
P71 1 doolar 2008 Pindling/Police band UN 15.00
P71A 1 doolar 2015 Pindling/Police band UN 6.00
P72 5 dollars 2007 Wallace/Dancers UN 22.00
P72A 5 dollars 2013 Wallace/Dancers UN 18.00
P73 10 dollars 2005 Qn.Elizabeth II/Hope Town Abaco UN 55.00
P73A 10 dollars 2009 Sands/Hope Town Abaco UN 45.00
P74 20 dollars 2006 Butler/Port UN 90.00
P74A 20 dollars 2010 Butler/Port UN 80.00
P77 ˝ dollar 2019 Qn.Elizabeth II/Sister Sarah UN 5.00
P78 1 dollar 2017 Pindling/Police band UN 8.00
P79 10 dollars 2017 Sands/Lighthouse UN 35.00
P1 100
fils 1964 Dhows,
arms/Palms trees UN 80.00
P7 ˝ dinar 1973 Arms/Factory UN 20.00
P16x 20 dinar 1973 Illegal issue UN 50.00
P18b ˝ dinar 1973 Weaver/Factory UN 18.00
P19b 1 dinar 1973 Arms/Bank UN 30.00
P20b 5 dinars 1973 Fort Riffa/Airport UN 120.00
P21b 10 dinars 1973 Dhow,arma/View UN 200.00
P25 ˝ dinar 2006 Building/International circuit UN 6.00
P26 1 dinar 2006 Building/Horses UN 9.00
P27 5 dinars 2006 Riffa fort/Factory UN 45.00
P28 10 dinars 2006 King/Bridge UN 80.00
P31a 1 dinar 2016 Building/Horses UN 9.00
P31b 1 dinar 2016 Building/Horses UN 9.00
P32a 5 dinars 2016 Riffa fort/Factory UN 40.00
P32c 5 dinars 2016 Riffa fort/Factory UN 40.00
p/h 1 taka 1973 Rice/
w/o wmk s.Kafiluddin Mahmood UN 20.00
p/h 1 taka 1973 Woman/Rice
plants UN 70.00
p/h 1 taka 1979 Arms/Deers UN 12.00
p/h 1 taka 1982 Arms/Deers s.Kibria UN 12.00
p/h 1 taka 1988 Monument/Mapgie robin
s.Kibria UN 12.00
p/h 100 taka 1972 Rahman/River western# UN 300.00
P21 p/h 10 taka 1978 Mosque/Rice field UN 12.00
p/h 20 taka 1979 Mosque/Washing
jute UN 30.00
p/h 5 taka 1981 Mosque's gate/Factory
s.Nurul Islam UN 5.00
P25c 5 taka 1981 Mosque's gate/Factory s.Khorshed Alam UN 5.00
p/h 10 taka 1982 Mosque/Dam s.Shegufta
Bakth UN 5.00
P26c 10 taka 1982 Mosque/Dam s.Lutfor
Rohman Sarker UN 5.00
p/h 20 taka 1988 Mosque/Washing jute
s.Shegufta Bakth UN 12.00
P27b 20 taka 1988 Mosque/Washing jute
s.Shegufta Bakth UN 8.00
P27c 20 taka 1988 Mosque/ s.Mohammed
Farashuddin UN 7.00
p/h 50 taka 1987 Monument/Parliament
s.Shegufta Bakth UN 30.00
p/h 50 taka 1987 Monument/Parliament s.Khorshed Alam UN 20.00
comm 10 taka 1996 Ovpt
"Victory Day" UN 5.00
P33 10 taka 1997 Rahman/Mosque s.Mohammed
Farashuddin UN 6.00
plastic 10 taka 2000 Rahman/Parliament UN 5.00
(p/h) 50 taka 2000 Building/Mosque UN 6.00
(p/h) 50 taka 2003 Building/Mosque UN 6.00
P41 50 taka 2010 Building/Mosque UN 6.00
(p/h) 100 taka 2002 Mosque/Bridge UN 10.00
(p/h) 100 taka 2004 Mosque/Bridge UN 10.00
P55 20 taka 2012 Rahman/Mosque UN 5.00
P57 100 taka 2016 Rahman/Mosque UN 5.00
(from 1966)
P29 1 dollar 1973 Prescod/Bridgetown sign.Blackman UN 18.00
P30 2 dollars 1973 Bovell/Bridgetown sign.Blackman UN 50.00
P32 5 dollars 1975 Worrell/Bridgetown sign.Blackman UN 80.00
P36 2 dollars 1980 Bovell/Bridgetown sign.King UN 30.00
P36 repl 2 dollars 1980 Bovell/Bridgetown sign.King UN 50.00
P37 5 dollars 1980 Worrell/Bridgetown sign.King UN 90.00
P42 2 dollars 1993 Bovell/Bridgetown sign.Springer UN 60.00
P44 20 dollars 1993 Prescod/Bridgetown sign.Springer VF 50.00
P46 2 dollars 1995 Bovell/Bridgetown sign.Springer UN 20.00
P47 5 dollars 1995 Worrell/Bridgetown sign.Springer UN 40.00
P48 10 dollars 1995 O’Neal/Bridgetown sign.Springer UN 60.00
P54a 2 dollars 1998 Bovell/Bridgetown sign.Cox UN 35.00
P54b 2 dollars 1998 Bovell/Bridgetown sign.Cox UN 12.00
P55 5 dollars 1999 Worrell/Bridgetown sign.Cox UN 40.00
P56 10 dollars 1999 O'Neal/Bridgetown sign.Cox UN 70.00
P57 20 dollars 1999 Prescod/Bridgetown sign.Cox UN 120.00
P60 2 dollars 2000 Bovell/Bridgetown sign.Williams UN 12.00
P61 5 dollars 2000 Worrell/Bridgetown sign.Williams UN 17.00
P62 10 dollars 2000 O'Neal/Bridgetown sign.Williams UN 35.00
P63A 20 dollars 2000 Prescod/Bridgetown sign.Williams UN 60.00
P66a 2 dollars 2007 Bovell/Bridgetown sign.Williams UN 6.00
P66b 2 dollars 2007 Bovell/Bridgetown sign.Worrell UN 4.00
P67a 5 dollars 2007 Worrell/Bridgetown sign.Williams UN 12.00
P68a 10 dollars 2007 O'Neal/Bridgetown sign.Williams UN 20.00
P69a 20 dollars 2007 Prescod/Bridgetown sign.Williams UN 40.00
P72 comm 20 dollars 2012 “40th Anniversary of the Central
Bank” UN 25.00
P74 5 dollars 2018 Worrell/3Ws Oval UN 7.00
P2 1 rubel 1992 Rabbit/Arms UN 15.00
P3 3 rublei 1992 Beavers/Arms UN 10.00
P9 200 rublei 1992 City view/ UN 5.00
P10 500 rublei 1992 Plaza in Minsk/ UN 100.00
P12 5000 rublei 1992 Minsk/Arms UN 10.00
P14a 50000 rublei 1995 Brest’s tower/Star thread “NBRB” UN 12.00
P15a 100000 rublei 1996 Bolshoi Opera/Ballet thread “NBRB” UN 15.00
P15b 100000 rublei 1996 Bolshoi Opera/Ballet thread “RB 100000” UN 12.00
P18 500000 rublei 1998 Palace of Culture/Facade fragment UN 70.00
P28b 1000 rublei 2000 Painting/Museum UN 6.00
P29b 5000 rublei 2000 Stadium/Sky resort UN 7.00
P30b 10000 rublei 2000 Theatre/Bridge UN 9.00
P31b 20000 rublei 2000 Gomel/Palace UN 35.00
P32b 500000 rublei 2000 Mir castle/ UN 60.00
P38 10 rublei 2009 Church/Books UN 20.00
P38 10 rublei 2019 Church/Books UN 15.00
P8e 5 franks 1929 Huts/Ferry on Congo River VG 120.00
P13 5 francs 1942 Woman/Elephant F 230.00
P13Ad 5 francs 1947 Woman/Elephant F 180.00
P13Ad 5 francs 1947 Woman/Elephant F 180.00
P13Ad 5 francs 1947 Woman/Elephant VF 250.00
P16 50 francs 1950 Woman/Leopard serie O F 300.00
P21 5 francs 1953 Woman/Elephant XF 200.00
P30 10 francs 1958 Soldier/Antelope
01-06-1958 F 20.00
P30 10 francs 1959 Soldier/Antelope
01-12-1959 F 20.00
P31 20 francs 1957 Boy/Girl 01-08-1957 VG 20.00
P33 100 francs 1956 Kg.Leopold II/Basket
weavers 01-11-1956 F 30.00
P33 100 francs 1956 Kg.Leopold II/Basket
weavers 01-9-1960 F 30.00
P75 5 francs 1919 Allegorical woman/Man F 40.00
P86 1 franc 1916 Qn.Louise-Marie
d’Orleans/ F 40.00
P86 1 franc 1917 Qn.Louise-Marie
d’Orleans/ F 40.00
P86 1 franc 1917 Qn.Louise-Marie
d’Orleans/ F 40.00
P86 1 franc 1918 Qn.Louise-Marie
d’Orleans/ F 40.00
P87 2 francs 1915 Qn.Louise-Marie
d’Orleans/ F 100.00
P92 1 franc 1920 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Arms F 10.00
P92 1 franc 1920 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Arms F 10.00
P92 1 franc 1920 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Arms XF 25.00
P93 5 francs 1923 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Man F 15.00
P97 5 francs 1930 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Man F 10.00
P98 20 francs 1931 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Brussels VG 15.00
P106 50 francs 1942 Woman,horses/Sailing
ship F 12.00
P107b 100 francs 1938 Allegorical figures/ XF 50.00
P108a 5 francs 1938 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Man XF 15.00
P108 5 francs 1938 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Man F 10.00
P108 5 francs 1938 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Man F 10.00
P108 5 francs 1938 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Man F 10.00
P110 1000 francs 1943 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Linnen
Hall F 30.00
P110 1000 francs 1943 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Linnen
Hall VF 70.00
P111 20 francs 1941 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Brussels F 10.00
P111 20 francs 1943 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Brussels F 10.00
P111 20 francs 1944 Kg.Albert,Qn.Elisabeth/Brussels F 10.00
P121 5 francs 1943 01.02.1943 XF 10.00
P122 10 francs 1943 01.02.1943 AU 16.00
P131 1000 francs 1951 Kg.Albert I/Nieuwpoort F 80.00
P133b 50 francs 1956 Farmers/ F 10.00
P133b 50 francs 1956 Farmers/ XF 25.00
P134 100 francs 1966 Lombaed/Allegorical
figure XF 15.00
P139 50 francs 1999 Kg.Qn/Parliamant
sign.Kestens UN 9.00
P142 100 francs 1982 Beyaert/Design
sign.Dasin&deStrijcker UN 40.00
P147 100 francs 1995 Ensor/Circus
s.Bertholome&Verplaetse UN 30.00
P148 200 francs 1995 Sax/Saxophone UN 80.00
P149 500 francs 1995 Magritte/Art UN 180.00
Belge(military occupation of
M1 1 franc 1946 letter “A” F 20.00
M4 10 francs 1946 letter “A” VG 40.00
P36c 10
dollars 1976 Qn.Elizabeth II/ F 150.00
P43 1 dollar 1983 Qn.Elizabeth II/Building UN 95.00
P46c 1 dollar 1987 Qn.Elizabeth II/Building UN 60.00
P51 1 dollar 1990 Qn.Elizabeth II/Marine life UN 60.00
P52 2 dollars 1990 Qn.Elizabeth II/Mayan ruins UN 50.00
P52 2 dollars 1991 Qn.Elizabeth II/Mayan ruins UN 50.00
P53 5 dollars 1991 Qn.Elizabeth II/St.George's Caye VF 25.00
P58 5 dollars 1996 Qn.Elizabeth II/St.George's Caye UN 80.00
P60 2 dollars 1999 Qn.Elizabeth II/Mayan ruins UN 40.00
P60 2 dollars 2002 Qn.Elizabeth II/Mayan ruins UN 40.00
P61 5 dollars 2002 Qn.Elizabeth II/St.George's Caye UN 55.00
P62 10 dollars 2001 Qn.Elizabeth II/Buildings,fauna UN 95.00
P66 2 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth II/Mayan ruins UN 6.00
P66 2 dollars 2005 Qn.Elizabeth II/Mayan ruins UN 6.00
P66 2 dollars 2007 Qn.Elizabeth II/Mayan ruins UN 6.00
P66 2 dollars 2011 Qn.Elizabeth II/Mayan ruins UN 6.00
P67 5 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth II/St.George's Caye UN 12.00
P67 5 dollars 2005 Qn.Elizabeth II/St.George's Caye UN 12.00
P67 5 dollars 2007 Qn.Elizabeth II/St.George's Caye UN 12.00
P67 5 dollars 2009 Qn.Elizabeth II/St.George's Caye UN 12.00
P67 5 dollars 2011 Qn.Elizabeth II/St.George's Caye UN 12.00
P67 5 dollars 2020 Qn.Elizabeth II/St.George's Caye UN 12.00
P68 10 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth II/Buildings,fauna UN 35.00
P68 10 dollars 2005 Qn.Elizabeth II/Buildings,fauna UN 35.00
P68 10 dollars 2007 Qn.Elizabeth II/Buildings,fauna UN 35.00
P68 10 dollars 2011 Qn.Elizabeth II/Buildings,fauna UN 35.00
P69 20 dollars 2005 Qn.Elizabeth II/Animals UN 60.00
P69 20 dollars 2020 Qn.Elizabeth II/Animals UN 60.00
P70 50 dollars 2010 Qn.Elizabeth II/Bridges UN 150.00
P71 100 dollars 2016 Qn.Elizabeth II/Birds UN 350.00
P72 comm 20 dollars 2012 “Central Bank 30th Anniversary” UN 50.00
P8b 5 shillings 1937 Kg.George VI/Arms F 50.00
P14 5 shhilling 1947 Kg.George VI/Arms F 90.00
P18a 5 shillings 1952 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms VF 60.00
P19a 10 shillings 1952 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms glue from the tape F 90.00
P19b 10 shillings 1957 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms glue from the tape F 50.00
P20a 1 pound 1952 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms F 120.00
P20b 1 pound 1957 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms F 100.00
P28 1 dollar 1978 Qn.Elizabeth II/Sail boats UN 60.00
P28 1 dollar 1982 Qn.Elizabeth II/Sail boats UN 40.00
P28 1 dollar 1984 Qn.Elizabeth II/Sail boats UN 40.00
P28 1 dollar 1986 Qn.Elizabeth II/Sail boats UN 40.00
P34a 2 dollars 1988 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island map UN 35.00
P36 10 dollars 1989 Qn.Elizabeth II/Bird UN 150.00
P37 20 dollars 1989 Qn.Elizabeth II/Bridge,harbor UN 250.00
P40Ab 2 dollars 1997 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island map UN 20.00
P41c 5 dollars 1996 Qn.Elizabeth II/Lghthouse UN 60.00
P41d 5 dollars 1997 Qn.Elizabeth II/Lighthouse UN 50.00
P42c 10 dollars 1997 Qn.Elizabeth II/Bird low#27 UN 150.00
P42d 10 dollars 1999 Qn.Elizabeth II/Bird UN 100.00
P50 2 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island map low#96 UN 40.00
P50 2 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island map low#97 UN 40.00
P51 5 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth II/Lighthouse UN 40.00
P52 10 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth II/Bird UN 60.00
P56 comm 50 dollars 2003 “Qn.Elizabeth II 1953-2003” UN 300.00
P57b 2 dollars 2009 Bluebird/Clocktower,Dockyard A/1 UN 10.00
P57c 2 dollars 2009 Bluebird/Clocktower,Dockyard A/2 UN 10.00
P5 1 ngultrum 1981 Dragons/Simtokha Dzong
A/1 UN 9.00
P6 2 ngultrum 1981 Dragons/Simtokha Dzong
B/1 UN 18.00
repl 1 ngultrum 1986 Dragons/Simtokha Dzong
sign.W Z/1 UN 15.00
P15a 10 ngultrum 1986 Kg.Singye/Paro Dzong
sign.W D/1 UN 12.00
P15b 10 ngultrum 1992 Kg.Singye/Paro Dzong
sign.W DA UN 6.00
P16b 20 ngultrum 1992 Kg.Dorji/Punakha Dzong
sign.W EB UN 8.00
P17a 50 ngultrum 1986 Kg.Dorji/Tongsa Dzong
sign.W F/1 UN 40.00
P17b 50 ngultrum 1992 Kg.Dorji/Tongsa Dzong
sign.W FB UN 10.00
P18a 100 ngultrum 1986 Kg.Singye/Tashichho
Dzong sign.W G/1 UN 70.00
P18b 100 ngultrum 1992 Kg.Singye/Tashichho
Dzong sign.W GB UN 60.00
P20 100 ngultrum 1994 Kg.Singye/Tashichho
Dzong sign.T G/3 UN 160.00
P22 10 ngultrum 2000 Kg.Singye/Paro Dzong D/5 UN 8.00
P23 20 ngultrum 2000 Kg.Dorji/Punakha Dzong
sign.T F/3 UN 8.00
P24 50 ngultrum 2000 Kg.Dorji/Tongsa Dzong
sign.T F/4 UN 10.00
P25 100 ngultrum 2000 Kg.Singye/Tashichho
Dzong G/4 UN 20.00
P29 10 ngultrum 2006 /Paro
Dzong UN 6.00
P29 10 ngultrum 2013 /Paro
Dzong UN 6.00
P30 20 ngultrum 2006 Wangchuck/Punakha
Dzong UN 12.00
P30 20 ngultrum 2013 Wangchuck/Punakha
Dzong UN 6.00
P31 50 ngultrum 2008 /Trongsa Dzong UN 20.00
P32 100 ngultrum 2006 /Tashichho Dzong UN 25.00
P32 100 ngultrum 2011 /Tashichho Dzong UN 20.00
P33 500 ngultrum 2020 Ugyen Wangchuck/Punakha Dzong UN 45.00
comm 100 ngultrum 2011 “Royal
Wedding” in folder UN 22.00
comm 1000 ngultrum 2016 “Birth
of the Prince of Bhutan” UN 100.00
comm 100 ngultrum 2016 “Birth
Anni.of HRH The Gyalsey”in folder UN 25.00
P1 5 shillings 1967 Palm/Girls UN 35.00
P2 1 pound 1967 Palm/Arms F 20.00
P4 10 shillings 1968 Palm/Street UN 16.00
P6 5 pounds 1968 Palms/Waving VF 35.00
P1 1 korona 1939 Woman/Arms “hand-stamp” UN 110.00
P14 1000 korun 1942 Parler/ 2 Auflage UN 140.00
P92 1 boliviano 1902 Arms/ UN 250.00
P102a 1 boliviano 1911 Mercury/Arms series black UN 90.00
P102b 1 boliviano 1911 Mercury/Arms series red UN 90.00
P118a 1 boliviano 1928 Bolivar/Arms series “J1” UN 6.00
P118a 1 boliviano 1928 Bolivar/Arms series “E5” UN 6.00
P120 5 bolivianos 1928 Bolivar/Arms UN 17.00
P121 10 bolivianos 1928 Bolivar/Arms F 10.00
P122 20 bolivianos 1928 Bolivar/Arms F 20.00
P122 20 bolivianos 1928 Bolivar/Arms XF 30.00
P124 50 bolivianos 1928 Bolivar/Arms F 25.00
P125 100 bolivianos 1928 Bolivar,La Paz/Arms F 30.00
P125 100 bolivianos 1928 Bolivar,La Paz/Arms F 30.00
P128a 1 boliviano 1928 Bolivar/Arms “R5” UN 5.00
P128a 1 boliviano 1928 Bolivar/Arms “F11” UN 5.00
P128a 1 boliviano 1928 Bolivar/Arms “A14” UN 5.00
P128b 1 boliviano 1928 Bolivar/Arms emision 1951 UN 17.00
P128c 1 boliviano 1928 Bolivar/Arms emision 1951 UN 5.00
P129 5 bolivianos 1928 Bolivar/Arms UN 7.00
P138a 5 bolivianos 1945 Bolivar/Arms UN 7.00
P138a 5 bolivianos 1945 Bolivar/Arms UN 7.00
P138c 5 bolivianos 1945 Bolivar/Arms emission 1952 UN 6.00
P139b 10 bolivianos 1945 Bolivar/Mountain of Potosi emision 1952 UN 30.00
P139d 10 bolivianos 1945 Bolivar/Mountain of Potosi w/o signature UN 25.00
P140a 20 bolivianos 1945 Bolivar/Casa de la Moneda “serie P” UN 10.00
P140a 20 bolivianos 1945 Bolivar/Casa de la Moneda “serie Q” UN 10.00
P149 1000 bolivianos 1945 Murillo/Horn series “C1” UN 55.00
P152 1 peso 1962 Campesino/Farming UN 40.00
P167 repl 1000 pesos 1981 Padilla/House of Liberty UN 10.00
P171 100000 pesos 1984 Campesino/Field
work UN 25.00
P173a 10000 pesos 1982 w/stub UN 40.00
P188 100000 pesos 1984 Merkury/
CdMA serie A UN 7.00
P189 500000 pesos 1984 Mercury/
serie A UN 18.00
P190 1000000 pesos 1985 Mercury/
serie A UN 35.00
P193 5000000 pesos 1985 Merkury/ CdMA serie N UN 35.00
P195 Z repl 1 cenatavo 1987 Cruz/Palace ovpt #169 UN 10.00
P196 error 5 centavos 1987 Ovpt #170 ovpt “5 cen + 10 cen” UN 120.00
P200a 5 centavos 1989 Ovpt #192A 5000000 UN 60.00
P202a 2 bolivianos 1986 Vaca-Diez/Pando refuge FCO “A” UN 12.00
P202b 2 bolivianos 1990 Vaca-Diez/Pando refuge FCO “B” UN 18.00
P217 5 bolivianos 1995 Zamudio/Altar TDLR “D” UN 18.00
P223 10 bolivianos 1986 Guzman/Coronilla FCO “F” UN 7.00
P228b 10 bolivianos 1986 Guzman/Coronilla FCO “H” UN 18.00
P244a 20 bolivianos 1986 Dalence/Casa Dorada Tarija UN 10.00
P248 10 bolivianos 2018 Vargas,Tupa,Mendez/Picaflor bird UN 6.00
Regional,Emergency,Private notes
S131 1 boliviano 1900 Banco Comercio F 120.00
P6r 100 dinara 1992 Pigeon/ UN 20.00
P16 5000 dinara 1993 Arms/ UN 50.00
P17 10000 dinara 1993 Arms/ UN 50.00
P34a 100000 dinara 1993 Ovpt-10 dinara 1.9.1993 UN 10.00
P34b 100000 dinara 1993 Ovpt-10 dinara 10.11.1993 UN 10.00
P35a 1000000 dinara 1993 Ovpt-25 dinara 1.9.1993 UN 15.00
P35b 1000000 dinara 1993 Ovpt-25 dinara 10.11.1993 UN 15.00
P39 1 dinar 1994 Arms/ 15.08.1994 UN 5.00
P57 50 pfeninga 1998 Kulenovic/Stecak Zgosca UN 7.00
P58 50 pfeninga 1998 Copic/Open book UN 9.00
P59 1 marka 1998 Jukic/Stecak
Stolac UN 8.00
P61 5 marka 1998 Selimovic/Trees UN 25.00
P62 5 marka 1998 Selimovic/Trees UN 25.00
P63 10 marka 1998 Dizdar/Stecak
Radimija UN 40.00
Serbian Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Banja Luka
P133 10 dinara 1992 Arms/ UN 6.00
P137 1000 dinara 1992 Arma/ UN 12.00
P141 100000 dinara 1993 Arms/ UN 10.00
P143 5000000 dinara 1993 Arms/ UN 10.00
P144 10000000 dinara 1993 Arms/ UN 12.00
P57-70 1998 Specimen-Uzorak No 00855 UN 350.00
P1 1 pula 1976 Masire/Milking cow TDLR UN 30.00
P6 1 pula 1983 Masire/Arms UN 15.00
P7 2 pula 1982 Masire/Village sign.3 TDLR UN 40.00
P7 2 pula 1982 Masire/Village sign.4 TDLR UN 25.00
P7 2 pula 1982 Masire/Village sign.5 TDLR UN 25.00
P7 2 pula 1982 Masire/Village sign.6a TDLR UN 40.00
P8 5 pula 1982 Masire/Antelopes sign.3 TDLR UN 80.00
P8 5 pula 1982 Masire/Antelopes sign.4 TDLR UN 60.00
P11 5 pula 1992 Masire/Gemsbok antelope Harrison UN 25.00
P12 10 pula 1992 Masire/Building Harrison UN 50.00
P13 20 pula 1993 Masire/Mining conveyors Harrison UN 80.00
P18 20 pula 1997 Masire/Mining conveyors sign6a TDLR UN 150.00
P20 10 pula 1999 Mogae/Building sign.7a F-CO UN 30.00
P20 10 pula 1999 Mogae/Building sign.8 F-CO UN 24.00
P21 20 pula 1999 Motsete/Mining conveyors sign.7b SABN UN 50.00
P24 10 pula 2002 Mogae/Building DLR UN 16.00
P24 10 pula 2007 Mogae/Building DLR UN 20.00
P25 20 pula 2002 Motsete/Mining conveyors DLR UN 28.00
P27 20 pula 2004 Motsete/Mining conveyors F-CO UN 25.00
P27 20 pula 2006 Motsete/Mining conveyors F-CO UN 25.00
P28 50 pula 2005 Khama/Fish eagle DLR UN 60.00
P30 10 pula 2012 Mogae/Building DLR UN 7.00
P31 20 pula 2009 Motsete/Mining conveyors DLR UN 12.00
P31 20 pula 2012 Motsete/Mining conveyors DLR UN 12.00
P31 20 pula 2014 Motsete/Mining conveyors DLR UN 12.00
P32 50 pula 2009 Khama/Fish eagle DLR UN 25.00
P32 50 pula 2012 Khama/Fish eagle DLR UN 25.00
P32 50 pula 2014 Khama/Fish eagle DLR UN 25.00
P33 100 pula 2009 Chiefs/Diamonds DLR UN 45.00
P110b 1 mil reis 1923 Salles/Arms F 20.00
P132 1 cruzeiro 1943 Marques de
Tamandare/Naval school UN 7.00
P142 5 cruzeiro 1950 Barao de Rio Branco/Coquest
of Amazonia UN 20.00
P150a 1 cruzeiro 1954 Marques de
Tamandare/Naval school UN 5.00
P150b 1 cruzeiro 1954 Marques de
Tamandare/Naval school UN 5.00
P150c 1 cruzeiro 1954 Marques de
Tamandare/Naval school UN 5.00
P150d 1 cruzeiro 1954 Marques de
Tamandare/Naval school UN 5.00
P151b 2 cruzeiros 1954 Duque de Caxias/Military
school UN 6.00
P157Aa 2 cruzeiros 1956 Duque de Caxias/Military
school UN 6.00
P157Ab 2 cruzeiros 1956 Duque de Caxias/Military
school UN 5.00
P157Ac 2 cruzeiros 1956 Duque de Caxias/Military
school UN 5.00
P158c 5 cruzeiros 1956 Barao de Rio Branco/Coquest of Amazonia UN 12.00
P160d 20 cruzeiros 1956 Manuel Deodoro da Fonseca/Woman UN 10.00
P166a 5 cruzeiros 1961 Raft,Indian/Victoria regia UN 8.00
P167a 10 cruzeiros 1961 Getulio Vargas/Allegorical man UN 7.00
P167b 10 cruzeiros 1963 Getulio Vargas/Allegorical man UN 8.00
P168a 20 cruzeiros 1961 Manuel Deodoro da Fonseca/Woman UN 8.00
P168b 20 cruzeiros 1963 Manuel Deodoro da Fonseca/Woman UN 7.00
P169 50 cruzeiros 1961 Princesa Isabel/Allegorical woman UN 30.00
P170a 100 cruzeiros 1961 D.Pedro II/Allegorical woman UN 22.00
P170c 100 cruzeiros 1961 D.Pedro II/Allegorical woman UN 22.00
P171a 200 cruzeiros 1961 D.Pedro I/Battle of
Ipiranga UN 35.00
P178 20 cruzeiros 1962 Manuel Deodoro da
Fonseca/Woman UN 6.00
P182A 5000 cruzeiros 1964 Silva Xavier/paint by
Rafaelo Falco VF 20.00
P184b 5 centavos 1967 Princesa Isabel/Allegorical
woman low#29 UN 10.00
P184b 5 centavos 1967 Princesa Isabel/Allegorical
woman low#34 UN 10.00
P187b 1 cruzeiro novo 1967 Pedro Alvares
Cabral/First Holy Mass UN 12.00
P188b 5 cruzeiro novo 1967 Silva Xavier/paint by
Rafaelo Falco XF 12.00
P192c 5 cruzeiros 1979 D.Pedro I/Rio de Janeiro UN 5.00
P192d 5 cruzeiros 1979 D.Pedro I/Rio de Janeiro UN 6.00
P193e 10 cruzeiros 1980 D.Pedro II/Prophet Daniel UN 6.00
P194c 50 cruzeiros 1980 Deodoro da Fonseca/Shipping of Coffee UN 9.00
P201a * 1000 cruzeiros 1985
P201c 1000 cruzeiros 1985 Rio Branco/Theodolite UN 6.00
P201c * 1000 cruzeiros 1985 Rio Branco/Theodolite UN 20.00
P202c 5000 cruzeiros 1984 Branco/Hydroelectric dam UN 6.00
P202d 5000 cruzeiros 1985 Branco/Hydroelectric dam UN 8.00
P214 5000 cruzeiros 1988 Candido Portinari/ UN 8.00
P217a 5 cruzados 1989 Candido Portinari/ UN 6.00
P217b 5 cruzados 1989 Candido Portinari/ UN 6.00
P218a 10 cruzados 1989 Carlos Chagas/Laboratory UN 6.00
P218b 10 cruzados 1990 Carlos Chagas/Laboratory UN 6.00
P220a 100 cruzados 1989 Cecilia
Meireles/Childrens’ Universe UN 8.00
repl 50 cruzados 1990 Andrade/Writing UN 10.00
P224b 100 cruzeiros 1990 Cecilia
Meireles/Childrens’ Universe UN 6.00
P225 200 cruzerios 1990 Republica/“Patria” UN 5.00
P226b * 500 cruzeiros 1990 Ruschi/hummingbird,
orchids UN 10.00
P227 5000 cruzeiros 1990 Republica/Arms UN 8.00
P231a 1000 cruzeiros 1990 Candido Rondon/Girls of
Amazonia UN 8.00
P231b 1000 cruzeiros 1991 Candido Rondon/Girls of
Amazonia UN 6.00
P233c 10000 cruzeiros 1993 Vital Brazil/Snakes UN 6.00
P235b 100000 cruzeiros 1993 Hummingbird/Iguacu
waterfalls UN 10.00
P238 100 cruzeiros 1993 Hummingbird/Iguacu
waterfalls UN 8.00
P239b 500 cruzeiros 1993 Morais Andrade/Children UN 8.00
P240 1000 cruzeiros 1993 Anisio Teixeria/Children UN 15.00
P243b 1 real 1994 Republica/Hummingbirds UN 15.00
P243Ae 1 real 1997 Republica/Hummingbirds UN 6.00
P243Af 1 real 1997 Republica/Hummingbirds UN 6.00
P244Ai 5 reais 1994 Republica/Great egret UN 8.00
P245Ai 10 reais 1997 Republica/Arara UN 15.00
P249a 2 reais 2002 Republica/Turtle UN 7.00
P249b 2 reais 2002 Republica/Turtle UN 6.00
P249f 2 reais 2002 Republica/Turtle UN 6.00
P253a 5 reais 2010 Republica/Great egret UN 5.00
P253d 5 reais 2010 Republica/Great egret UN 5.00
P254a 10 reais 2010 Republica/Arara UN 8.00
P254b 10 reais 2010 Republica/Arara UN 8.00
P254e 10 reais 2010 Republica/Arara UN 8.00
P255a 20 reais 2010 Republica/Golden lion
tamarir UN 15.00
P255b 20 reais 2010 Republica/Golden lion
tamarir UN 15.00
P256b 50 reais 2010 Republica/Leopard UN 25.00
P256f 50 reais 2010 Republica/Leopard UN 25.00
P1 1 dollar 1950 Kg.George VI/Arms VF 150.00
P7 1 dollar 1953 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms
wmk.ship XF 250.00
P7 1 dollar 1953 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms
wmk.ship XF 250.00
P7 1 dollar 1957 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms VF 120.00
P7 1 dollar 1959 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms F 50.00
P7 1 dollar 1961 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms F 40.00
P7 1 dollar 1963 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms F 40.00
P10 10 dollars 1957 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms F 450.00
P10 10 dollars 1958 Qn.Elizabeth II/Arms F 450.00
P12c 1 dollar 1942 Toucan,Kaieteur
Falls/Kg.George VI VF 250.00
P28 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/ VF 160.00
P1 1 shilling 1918 Palm/ F 450.00
P7 10 shillings 1937 Palm/ F 150.00
P10 20 shillings 1953 River/Coconuts VF 160.00
P1 1 ringgit 1967 Bolkiah/Mosque VF 40.00
P6 1 ringgit 1972 Bolkiah/Mosque UN 50.00
P6 1 ringgit 1980 Bolkiah/Mosque UN 25.00
P6 1 ringgit 1983 Bolkiah/Mosque UN 18.00
P6 1 ringgit 1985 Bolkiah/Mosque UN 18.00
P6 1 ringgit 1988 Bolkiah/Mosque UN 18.00
P8 10 ringgit 1983 Bolkiah/Mosque UN 250.00
P13 1 ringgit 1989 Bolkiah/Aerial view UN 25.00
P13 1 ringgit 1991 Bolkiah/Aerial view UN 22.00
P13 1 ringgit 1995 Bolkiah/Aerial view UN 15.00
P22 1 ringgit 1996 Bolkiah/Waterfall UN 5.00
P23 5 ringgit 1996 Bolkiah/Rainforest UN 15.00
P24 10 ringgit 1996 Bolkiah/Rainforest
canopy UN 35.00
P24 10 ringgit 1998 Bolkiah/Rainforest
canopy UN 30.00
comm 50 ringgit 2007 “Currency union” UN 60.00
P35 1 ringgit 2011 Bolkian/Palace UN 6.00
P35 1 ringgit 2016 Bolkian/Palace UN 6.00
comm 50 ringgit 2017 “50th
Anniversary of coronation” UN 140.00
P2a 5 leva 1904 silver 2 serial#
sign.blue Ch-G F 50.00
P3c 10 leva 1904 silver 2 serial#
sign.black Ch-G G 30.00
P3e 10 leva 1904 silver 4 serial#
sign.blue CH-V F 60.00
P9e 20 leva 1904 gold 2 serial#
sign.black Ch-G F 90.00
P9h 20 leva 1904 gold 2 serial# sign.blue
Ch-V F 75.00
P17 10 leva 1916 silver F 45.00
P21a 5 leva 1917 Arms single letter F 40.00
P22a 10 leva 1917 Arms “no flags” F 40.00
P23 20 leva 1917 Arms F 25.00
P24a 50 leva 1917 Arms F 60.00
P31b 2 leva 1920 Arms/Building F 20.00
P46 100 leva 1925 Kg.Boris/Village F 60.00
P50 200 leva 1929 Kg.Boris/Paisiy VG 60.00
P51 250 leva 1929 Kg.Boris/Tirnovo VG 80.00
P60 500 leva 1942 Kg.Boris III/Woman F 15.00
P74 20 leva 1947 20/Bank UN 50.00
P89 2 leva 1962 Arms/Picking grapes UN 10.00
P93a 1 lev 1974 Arms/Shipka monument UN 6.00
P94 2 leva 1974 Arms/Picking grapes UN 7.00
P95a 5 leva 1974 Arms/Coast resort UN 9.00
P96b 10 leva 1974 Factory/Dimitrov UN 12.00
P97b 20 leva 1974 Factory/Dimitrov UN 24.00
P98 50 leva 1990 Castle ruins/Arms UN 32.00
P102 100 leva 1991 Dimitrov/“Wheel of life” UN 30.00
P103 200 leva 1992 Vazov/Lyra UN 7.00
P104 500 leva 1993 Khristov/Opera house UN 7.00
P105 1000 leva 1994 Levsky/Levsky monument UN 8.00
P111 5000 leva 1997 Stoyanov/Monument UN 30.00
P115 2 leva 1999 Khilendarski/Lion UN 7.00
P116 5 leva 1999 Milev/Paintings UN 15.00
P117 10 leva 1999 Beron/Telescope UN 45.00
comm 20 leva 2005 “Bulgarian Bank
1885-2005 UN 50.00
“A” 1 rupee 1940 ovpt(1945)Kg.George VI F 20.00
“A” 1 rupee 1940 ovpt(1945)Kg.George VI XF 60.00
“A” 1 rupee 1940 ovpt(1945)Kg.George VI UN 250.00
p/h 5 rupees 1945 ovpt(1945)Kg.George VI
sign.T F 100.00
p/h 10 kyats 1958 Gen.Aung/Elephant UN 20.00
p/h 5 kyats 1965 Gen.Aung/Farmer
and ox AU 8.00
p/h 10 kyats 1965 Gen.Aung/Picking
cotton UN 24.00
p/h 20 kyats 1965 Gen.Aung/Farming AU 40.00
P57 5 kyats 1973 Gen.Aung/Palm UN 5.00
P58 10 kyats 1973 Gen.Aung/Native
ornaments UN 6.00
P59 25 kyats 1972 Gen.Aung/Mythical
creature UN 7.00
P61 100 kyats 1976 Gen.Aung/Musical UN 100.00
repl 15 kyats 1986 Gen.Aung/Mythical
dancer “EX” UN 30.00
P63 35 kyats 1986 Gen.Aung/Mythical dancer UN 6.00
p/h repl 45 kyats 1986 Gen.Aung/Oilfield
“BX” UN 30.00
repl 1 kyat 1990 Gen.Aung/Carving
“VX” UN 15.00
repl 20 kyats 1994 Chinze/Elephant
fountain “AX” UN 15.00
P76b 500 kyats 1995 Chinze/Statue makers UN 12.00
P77b 1000 kyats 1998 Chinze/Bank UN 16.00
P81 5000 kyats 2009 Elephant/National Parliamenr UN 20.00
P85 1000 kyats 2019 Gen.Aung/National Parliament UN 10.00
P9 10
francs 1967 Cattle/Arms VG 40.00
P20 10 francs 1970 Palace/ UN 40.00
P27 20 francs 1979 Dancer/Arms UN 9.00
P27 20 francs 1989 Dancer/Arms UN 6.00
P27 20 francs 1991 Dancer/Arms UN 6.00
P27 20 francs 1995 Dancer/Arms UN 6.00
P28 50 francs 1988 Drummer/Arms UN 14.00
P28 50 francs 1991 Drummer/Arms UN 12.00
P28 50 francs 1993 Drummer/Arms UN 12.00
P29 100 francs 1990 Pr.Rwagasore/Arms UN 9.00
P29 100 francs 1993 Pr.Rwagasore/Arms UN 9.00
P30 500 francs 1988 Bank/Arms UN 60.00
P33 10 francs 1981 Map of
repl 10 francs 1981 Map
P33 10 francs 1989 Map of
P33 10 francs 1991 Map of
P33 10 francs 1995 Map of
P33 10 francs 1997 Map of
P36 50 francs 1994 Dugout canoe/Fishermen UN 6.00
P36 50 francs 1999 Dugout canoe/Fishermen UN 6.00
P37 100 francs 1993 Pr.Rwagasore/Home
construction UN 8.00
P37 100 francs 1997 Pr.Rwagasore/Home
construction UN 8.00
P37 100 francs 2001 Pr.Rwagasore/Home
construction UN 6.00
P37 100 francs 2006 Pr.Rwagasore/Home
construction UN 6.00
P37 100 francs 2007 Pr.Rwagasore/Home
construction UN 6.00
P37A 500 francs 1995 Ndadaye/Bank UN 14.00
P38 500 francs 1997 Painting/Bank UN 12.00
P38 500 francs 1999 Painting/Bank UN 12.00
P38 500 francs 2007 Painting/Bank UN 8.00
P39 1000 francs 2000 Cattle/Monument UN 12.00
P39 1000 francs 2006 Cattle/Monument UN 10.00
P41 2000 francs 2001 Farming/Lake UN 20.00
P42 5000 francs 1999 Building/Port UN 40.00
P46 1000 francs 2009 Cattle/Monument UN 6.00
P47 2000 francs 2008 Farming/Lake UN 12.00
P48 5000 francs 2011 Building/Port UN 25.00
P52 2000 francs 2015 Map/Pineapple UN 5.00
P53 5000 francs 2015 Map/Dancers UN 10.00
P54 10000 francs 2015 Map/ UN 20.00
P2 5 riels 1955 Bayon statue/Palace F 9.00
P2 5 riels 1955 Bayon statue/Palace VF 20.00
P3A 50 riels 1956 Farmer/Temple VG 150.00
P5d 20 riels 1975 Combine harvester/Pagoda UN 10.00
P10 5 riels 1963 Bayon statue/Palace
sign.6 UN 40.00
P13b 100 riels 1972 Oxen/Dancers UN 6.00
P14b 500 riels 1970 Farmer,oxen/Preah Vihear
temple VF 20.00
p/h 500 riels 1970 Farmer,oxen/Preah Vihear
temple F 16.00
P14d p/h 500 riels 1970 Farmer,oxen/Preah Vihear temple F 12.00
Khmer Republic
P16 500 riels 1973 Girl/Rice paddy sign.14 UN 7.00
P17 1000 riels 1973 Students/Sculpture UN 12.00
P17A 5000 riels 1974 Krom Ngoy/Bank UN 35.00
P21 5 riels 1975 Angkor Wat/Workers UN 18.00
P22 10 riels 1975 Machine gun crew/Rice
harvest UN 35.00
P23 50 riels 1975 Rice field/Troops AU 20.00
P31 20 riels 1979 Arms/Buffalos logging UN 10.00
P32 50 riels 1979 Bayon stone/Angkor UN 12.00
P36 100 riels 1990 Mean/Rubber trees UN 12.00
P38 500 riels 1991
P39 1000 riels 1992
P40 2000 riels 1992 Sihanouk,temple/ UN 18.00
P43a 500 riels 1996
P43b 500 riels 1998
repl 1000 rials 1995 Bayon
temple/Pavillon “AO” UN 15.00
repl 2000 rials 1995 Fishing/Angkor
Wat “BO” UN 15.00
P46b 5000 rials 1998 Sihanouk/Building UN 20.00
P47b 10000 rials 1998 Sihanouk/Long boat
sign.16 UN 35.00
P55 5000 riels 2001 Sihanouk/Bridge UN 7.00
P55 5000 riels 2002 Sihanouk/Bridge UN 7.00
P55 5000 riels 2004 Sihanouk/Bridge UN 6.00
P55 5000 riels 2007 Sihanouk/Bridge UN 6.00
P56 10000 riels 2001 Sihanouk/Royal palace UN 14.00
P58 1000 riels 2005 Bayon temple/Port UN 10.00
comm 1000 riels 2013 “Kg.Sihanouk” UN 5.00
comm * 1000 riels 2013 “Kg.Sihanouk” UN 10.00
comm 2000 riels 2013 “Independence
60 years” UN 5.00
P67 1000 rials 2016 Kg.Sihanouk/Royal palace UN 5.00
P68 5000 riels 2015 Kg./Naga UN 10.00
comm 10000 riels 2015 “62nd
Birthday of King Sihamoni” UN 15.00
comm 20000 riels 2017 “65nd
Birthday of King Sihamoni” UN 20.00
P10 100 francs 1962 Rumsiki peak/Port F 60.00
P15 500 francs 1983 Woman wearing hat/Mask UN 90.00
P24 500 francs 1987 Figurine/Carver UN 50.00
P24 500 francs 1990 Figurine/Carver UN 50.00
P26 1000 francs 1989 Map/Elephant UN 90.00
P26 1000 francs 1990 Map/Elephant UN 90.00
P11b 25 cents 1923 Britannia/ F 25.00
P11b 25 cents 1923 Britannia/ F 25.00
P33p 1 dollar 1923 Kg.George
V/ black seal “4” F 150.00
P58b 1
dollar 1937 Kg.George VI/Allegorical F 15.00
P58b 1
dollar 1937 Kg.George VI/Allegorical F 15.00
P58b 1 dollar 1937 Kg.George VI/Allegorical UN 150.00
P58b 1 dollar 1937 Kg.George VI/Allegorical UN 150.00
P58e 1
dollar 1937 Kg.George VI/Allegorical F 12.00
P58e 1
dollar 1937 Kg.George VI/Allegorical VF 25.00
P59b 2 dollars 1937 Kg.George VI/Allegorical F 40.00
P59c 2 dollars 1937 Kg.George VI/Allegorical F 35.00
P59c 2 dollars 1937 Kg.George VI/Allegorical VF 70.00
P60b 5 dollars 1937 Kg.George VI/Allegorical F 50.00
P60b 5 dollars 1937 Kg.George VI/Allegorical VF 90.00
P61c 10 dollars 1937 Kg.George VI/Allegorical XF 100.00
P62b 20 dollars 1937 Kg.George VI/Allegorical F 60.00
P68b 10 dollars 1954 Qn.Elizabeth II/
“devil’s face” VF 80.00
P70b 20 dollars 1954 Qn.Elizabeth II/
“devil’s face” VG 40.00
P74a 1 dollar 1954 Qn.Elizabeth II/Prairie CBNC UN 50.00
P74b 1 dollar 1954 Qn.Elizabeth II/Prairie CBNC UN 40.00
P75b 1 dollar 1954 Qn.Elizabeth II/Prairie BABNC UN 30.00
P75b repl 1 dollar 1954 Qn.Elizabeth II/ replacement BABNC VF 25.00
P75c 1 dollar 1954 Qn.Elizabeth II/Prairie BABNC UN 30.00
P76d 2 dollars 1954 Qn.Elizabeth II/Country Valley BABNC UN 40.00
P77b 5 dollars 1954 Qn.Elizabeth II/Otter Falls UN 140.00
P77b repl 5 dollars 1954 Qn.Elizabeth II/Otter Falls F 25.00
P79b 10 dollars 1954 Qn.Elizabeth II/Mt. Burgess VF 30.00
P80b 20 dollars 1954 Qn.Elizabeth II/Laurentian hills XF 80.00
P84a comm 1 dollar 1967 Qn.Elizabeth II/Parlament 1867-1967 UN 10.00
P84b * comm 1 dollar 1967 Qn.Elizabeth II/Parlament 1867-1967 F 15.00
P85a 1 dollar 1973 Qn.Elizabeth II/Ottawa UN 12.00
P85c 1 dollar 1973 Qn.Elizabeth II/Ottawa UN 6.00
P85c radar 1 dollar 1973 Qn.Elizabeth II/Ottawa “7004007” UN 30.00
P86a 2 dollars 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Inuit hunting UN 20.00
P86b 2 dollars 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Inuit hunting UN 20.00
P87a 5 dollars 1972 Laurier/Salmon fishing UN 70.00
P87b 5 dollars 1972 Laurier/Salmon fishing UN 60.00
P88a 10 dollars 1971 MacDonald/Oil refinery VF 25.00
P88d 10 dollars 1971 MacDonald/Oil refinery VF 25.00
P88d 10 dollars 1971 MacDonald/Oil refinery UN 100.00
P92a 5 dollars 1979 Laurier/Salmon fishing UN 65.00
P93c 20 dollars 1979 Qn.Elizabeth II/Moraine Lake UN 80.00
P94b 2 dollars 1986 Qn.Elizabeth II/Robins UN 5.00
P94c 2 dollars 1986 Qn.Elizabeth II/Robins UN 5.00
P95c 5 dollars 1986 Laurier/Kingfisher UN 35.00
P95d 5 dollars 1986 Laurier/Kingfisher UN 35.00
P95e 5 dollars 1986 Laurier/Kingfisher UN 25.00
P96a 10 dollars 1989 MacDonald/Osprey UN 60.00
P96a repl 10 dollars 1989 MacDonald/Osprey AU 40.00
P96b 10 dollars 1989 MacDonald/Osprey UN 60.00
P97d 20 dollars 1991 Qn.Elizabeth II/Common
loon UN 60.00
P101 5 dollars 2001 Laurier/Hokey sign.K-D UN 25.00
P101 5 dollars 2003 Laurier/Hokey sign.K-D UN 25.00
P101 5 dollars 2005 Laurier/Hokey sign.J-D UN 20.00
P101A 5 dollars 2006 Laurier/Hokey sign.J-D UN 16.00
P101A 5 dollars 2008 Laurier/Hokey sign.J-C UN 14.00
P101A 5 dollars 2009 Laurier/Hokey sign.J-C UN 14.00
P101A 5 dollars 2010 Laurier/Hokey sign.J-C UN 14.00
P101A 5 dollars 2011 Laurier/Hokey sign.M-C UN 14.00
P102 10 dollars 2000 MacDonald/Peace keeping
sign.K-T UN 45.00
P102 10 dollars 2003 MacDonald/Peace keeping
sign.J-D UN 45.00
P102A 10 dollars 2005 MacDonald/Peace keeping
sign.J-D UN 35.00
P102A 10 dollars 2007 MacDonald/Peace keeping
sign.J-D UN 25.00
P102A 10 dollars 2008 MacDonald/Peace keeping
sign.J-C UN 25.00
P103 20 dollars 2004 Qn.Elizabeth II/Native
art sign.J-D UN 60.00
P103 20 dollars 2005 Qn.Elizabeth II/Native
art sign.J-D UN 50.00
P103 20 dollars 2008 Qn.Elizabeth II/Native
art sign.J-C UN 50.00
P103 20 dollars 2011 Qn.Elizabeth II/Native
art sign.M-C UN 50.00
P104 50 dollars 2006 King/Emancipation
sign.J-D UN 150.00
P106a 5 dollars 2013 Laurier/Space sign.M-C UN 10.00
P106b 5 dollars 2013 Laurier/Space sign.M-P UN 8.00
P107a 10 dollars 2013 MacDonald/Canadian rail
road sign.M-C UN 15.00
P107b 10 dollars 2013 MacDonald/Canadian rail
road sign.M-P UN 15.00
P108b 20 dollars 2012 Qn.Elizabeth II/Vimy UN 25.00
P108b 20 dollars 2012 Qn.Elizabeth II/Vimy
radar “2334332” VF 40.00
P111 20 dollars 2015 “Qn.Elizabeth II
reigning” UN 30.00
P112 10 dollars 2017 “Canada 1867-2017” UN 14.00
P113 10 dollars 2018 Viola Desmond/ UN 14.00
Regonal,Private notes
Bank of Montreal
S561 5 dollars 1938 Dodds,Gordon/Bank F 120.00
P49a 100 escudos 1958 Pinto/ 6-dig# F 40.00
P49b 100 escudos 1958 Pinto/ 7-dig# UN 450.00
P54 100 escudos 1977 Cabral/Mountain UN 30.00
P59 500 escudos 1989 Cabral/Port UN 30.00
P60 1000 escudos 1989 Amilcar Cabral/Pierid utterfly UN 55.00
P70 1000 escudos 2007 Goncalves/“Dragoeiro” tree UN 55.00
P71 200 escudos 2014 de Sousa/Pico do Fogo UN 10.00
P72 500 escudos 2014 Barbosa/Dam UN 25.00
P1a 1 dollar 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fish in reef A/1 UN 180.00
P1b 1 dollar 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fish in reef A/2 UN 160.00
P5d 1 dollar 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fish in reef A/5 UN 50.00
P5f 1 dollar 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fish in reef A/7 UN 40.00
P12 5 dollars 1991 Qn.Elizabeth II/Seaboat UN 95.00
P13a 10 dollars 1991 Qn.Elizabeth II/Seaside UN 250.00
P16a 1 dollar 1996 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fish in reef B/1 UN 60.00
P16b 1 dollar 1996 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fish in reef B/2 UN 50.00
P18a 10 dollars 1996 Qn.Elizabeth II/Seaside UN 120.00
P21b 1 dollar 1998 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fish in reef C/2 UN 40.00
P22 5 dollars 1998 Qn.Elizabeth II/Seaboat UN 70.00
P26a 1 dollar 2001 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fish in reef C/2 UN 30.00
P26c 1 dollar 2001 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fish in reef C/4 UN 30.00
P27 5 dollars 2001 Qn.Elizabeth II/Seaboat UN 50.00
P30 comm 1 dollar 2003 “Cayman Is 1503-2003” UN 30.00
P33a 1 dollar 2006 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fish in reef C/4 UN 10.00
P34b 5 dollars 2005 Qn.Elizabeth II/Seaboat C/2 UN 30.00
P35a 10 dollars 2005 Qn.Elizabeth II/Seaside C/1 UN 60.00
P38 1 dollar 2010 Qn.Elizabeth II/Rock UN 10.00
P38 1 dollar 2014 Qn.Elizabeth II/Rock UN 7.00
P38 1 dollar 2018 Qn.Elizabeth II/Rock UN 7.00
P39a 5 dollars 2010 Qn.Elizabeth II/Parrots UN 15.00
P39b 5 dollars 2014 Qn.Elizabeth II/Parrots UN 15.00
P40a 10 dollars 2010 Qn.Elizabeth II/Flowers UN 30.00
P41a 25 dollars 2010 Qn.Elizabeth II/Turtle UN 70.00
P14 500 francs 1987 Carving/Carver UN 20.00
“C” – CONGO FROM 2002 “T”
“C” 500 francs 1994 Cattle/Antelopes UN 15.00
P101 “C” 500 francs 2000 Cattle/Antelopes UN 15.00
“C” 1000 francs 1994 Coffee/Logging UN 20.00
“T” 500 francs 2002 Students/Huts UN 10.00
“T” 500 francs 2002 Students/Huts UN 10.00
“T” 500 francs 2002 Students/Huts UN 10.00
“E” –
P201 “E” 500 feancs 1997 Cattle/Antelopes UN 15.00
P201 “E” 500 francs 2002 Cattle/Antelopes UN 15.00
“U” 500 francs 2002 Students/Huts UN 10.00
“U” 500 francs 2002 Students/Huts UN 10.00
“U” 1000 francs 2002 Logging/Farming UN 20.00
P207e “U” 1000 francs 2002 Logging/Farming UN 20.00
“F” 1000 francs 1999 Coffee harvest/Raft UN 30.00
“L” –
P401 “L” 500 francs 1994 Cattle/Antelopes UN 15.00
P409a “A” 5000 francs 2002 Rafinery/Port UN 65.00
“N” 1000 francs 2000 Coffee harvest/Raft UN 15.00
“N” 2000 francs 2000 Woman/Harbor scene UN 35.00
“P” - CHAD 2002 “C”
“P” 2000 francs 2000 Woman/Harbor scene UN 35.00
“C” 500 francs 2002 Students/Huts UN 10.00
P703 5000 francs 2020 “CEMAC” UN 35.00
P704 10000 francs 2020 “CEMAC” UN 55.00
P7 1000 francs 1980 Buffalo/Industry UN 150.00
P12a 10000 francs 1984 Woman/Banana harvest UN 260.00
P89 1 peso 1942 Arms/ UN 60.00
P90a 1 peso 1943 Arms/ “A-A” XF 20.00
P90d 1 peso 1943 Arms/ “D-D” XF 20.00
P93b 20 pesos 1947 Valdivia/Park F 30.00
P102 5 pesos 1947 O'Higgins/ 30-4-1947 UN 50.00
P110c 5 pesos 1947 O'Higgins/ UN 8.00
P114 100 pesos 1947 Prat/Arms UN 18.00
P115c 500 pesos 1947 Montt/ F 20.00
P115f 500 pesos 1947 Montt/ XF 50.00
P116d 1000 pesos 1947 Encelada/ F 15.00
P117a 5000 pesos 1947 Tocornal/Battle of Roncague VF 25.00
P119a 5 pesos 1958 O'Higgins/ UN 6.00
P120a 10 pesos 1958 Bulnes/ UN 12.00
P125 1 centesimo 1960 ovpt 10 pesos UN 50.00
P126a 5 centesimos 1960 Pinto/Arms UN 7.00
P126b 5 centesimos 1960 Pinto/Arms UN 6.00
P126c 5 centesimos 1960 Pinto/Arms UN 5.00
P127c 10 centesimos 1960 Prat/Arms UN 10.00
P134b ˝ escudos 1962 O'Higgins/Battle UN 30.00
P138c 5 escudos 1964 Bulnes/Battle of Roncague UN 15.00
P138e 5 escudos 1964 Bulnes/Battle of Roncague 6-dig# UN 15.00
P138f 5 escudos 1964 Bulnes/Battle of Roncague 7-dig# UN 15.00
P139c 10 escudos ND Balmaceda/Painting XF 15.00
P140b 50 escudos ND Alessandri/Bank UN 40.00
P141b 100 escudos ND Rengifo/Liberation fleet UN 25.00
P143a 10 escudos ND Balmaceda/Painting UN 6.00
P143b 10 escudos ND Balmaceda/Painting UN 6.00
P145a comm 500 escudos 1971 Copper worker/Mining UN 20.00
P145b comm 500 escudos 1971 Copper worker/Mining UN 20.00
P146a 1000 escudos ND Carrera/Carrera house UN 20.00
P147b 5000 escudos ND Carrera/Carrera house UN 20.00
P148a 10000 escudos 1974 O'Higgins/Battle UN 25.00
P149 5 pesos 1975 Carrera/Carrera house UN 25.00
P151a 50 pesos 1981 Prat/Sailing ships UN 20.00
P151b 50 pesos 1981 Prat/Sailing ships UN 20.00
P152 100 pesos 1984 Portales/Political meeting UN 20.00
P153 500 pesos 1990 Valdivia/Santiago founding UN 30.00
P153 500 pesos 2000 Valdivia/Santiago founding UN 16.00
P154 1000 pesos 1996 Carrera Pinto/Chilean heroes UN 20.00
P154 1000 pesos 1999 Carrera Pinto/Chilean heroes UN 15.00
P154 1000 pesos 2001 Carrera Pinto/Chilean heroes UN 10.00
P154 1000 pesos 2005 Carrera Pinto/Chilean heroes UN 8.00
P155 5000 pesos 2005 Mistral/Monument UN 40.00
P158 2000 pesos 2001 Rodriguez/Church UN 20.00
P158 2000 pesos 2002 Rodriguez/Church UN 20.00
P160 2000 pesos 2004 Rodriguez/Church UN 15.00
Bank of China
P70b 5 yuan 1931 Temple of Heaven/Bank F 9.00
P77b 5 yuan 1935 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank F 15.00
P77b 5 yuan 1935 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank F 15.00
P84 5 yuan 1940 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Pagoda VF 6.00
P85b 10 yuan 1940 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Temple of
Heaven F 5.00
P85b 10 yuan 1940 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Temple of
Heaven F 5.00
P87c 50 yuan 1940 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Temple of
Heaven F 15.00
P88b 100 yuan 1940 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Temple of
Heaven XF 25.00
Bank of Communications
P116m 1 yuan 1914 Steam passenger
train/Cargo ship G 15.00
P117n 5 yuan 1914 Steam passenger
train/Post offce UN 50.00
P118p 10 yuan 1914 Port Customs
House/Shanghai in black VF 10.00
P154 5 yuan 1935 Junk/New Summer Palace AU 30.00
P155 10 yuan 1935 Electricity
pylons/Summer palce F 5.00
P157 5 yuan 1941 Ship/ UN 60.00
P158 10 yuan 1941 Port Customs House/Ship UN 50.00
P159a 10 yuan 1941 Steam passenger train/ UN 35.00
P159e 10 yuan 1941 Steam passenger train/ AU 30.00
P160 25 yuan 1941 Ship,train/Airplane VG 35.00
Central Bank of China
P176e 10 dollars 1923 Dr.Sun Yat-esn/ F 20.00
P194a 20 cents 1924 Flower Pagoda/ F 30.00
P195c 1 dollar 1928 /Dr.Sun Yat-esn XF 25.00
P197d 10 dollars 1928 /Dr.Sun Yat-sen XF 20.00
P199d 100 dollars 1928 /Dr.Sun Yat-sen VF 30.00
P200d 5
yuan 1930 Dr.Sun
Yat-Nanking/ F 10.00
P200f 5
yuan 1930 Dr.Sun
Yat-Nanking/ AU 25.00
P203 20 cents 1931 Chu Shui bridge/ XF 20.00
P203 20 cents 1931 Chu Shui bridge/ UN 30.00
P212a 1 yuan 1936 Dr.Sun
Yat-sen/Temple,trees F 10.00
P213a 5 yuan 1936 Dr.Sun
Yat-sen/Temple.trees AU 25.00
P218d 10 yuan 1936 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Palace of
China VG 10.00
P218e 10 yuan 1936 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Palace of
China XE 20.00
P219a 50 yuan 1936 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Palace of
China XF 25.00
P220a 100 yuan 1936 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Palace of
China F 20.00
P225a 5 cents 1939 Pagoda/Old Chinese coin UN 15.00
P226 10 cents 1940 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/ UN 12.00
P227 20 cents 1940 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/ UN 12.00
P235a 5 yuan 1941 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Pagoda VF 15.00
P237b 10 yuan 1941 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/ UN 40.00
P237e 10 yuan 1941 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/ F 10.00
P238b 10 yuan 1941 Pai-Lou gate/ F 12.00
P239b 10 yuan 1941 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/ UN 40.00
P243 100 yuan 1941 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/ UN 20.00
P245b 10 yuan 1942 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Great
wall,bugler VF 20.00
P247 10 yuan 1942 Pai-lou gate/ G 5.00
P248 20 yuan 1942 Pai-lou gate/ F 30.00
P250 100 yuan 1942 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/ F 30.00
P251 500 yuan 1942 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Ship F 5.00
P255 50 yuan 1944 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/ F 10.00
P265 500 yuan 1944 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Gateway F 15.00
P267 500 yuan 1944 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/ UN 40.00
P283a 500 yuan 1945 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/ VF 15.00
P301a 2000 yuan 1945 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/ F 20.00
P310 5000 yuan 1947 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/ XF 45.00
P320a 10000 yuan 1947 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/ VF 20.00
P326d 5 cgu 1930 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank VF 15.00
P327d 10 cgu 1930 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank VF 15.00
P328 20 cgu 1930 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank XF 16.00
P329 50 cgu 1930 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank VF 15.00
P330b 100 cgu 1930 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank UN 45.00
P339a 1000 cgu 1947 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank AU 25.00
P354 10000 cgu 1948 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank XF 30.00
P370 50000 cgu 1948 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank F 30.00
P387 1 yuan 1945 Chiang
Kai-shek/Shibaozhai AU 40.00
P388 5 yuan 1945 Lin Sun/Sidabuzhou
pagoda VF 15.00
P390 10 yuan 1945 Chiang Kai-shek/Bridge VF 15.00
P396 20 cents 1946 Chiang Kai-shek/Boat UN 40.00
P397 50 cents 1948 Chiang Kai-shek/Nanking UN 40.00
P408 100 yuan 1949 Chiang Kai-shek/Nanking XF 25.00
P410 500 yuan 1949 Chiang Kai-shek/Bridge F 7.00
P412e 1000 yuan 1949 Chiang Kai-shek/Nanking VF 5.00
P413 1000 yuan 1949 Chiang Kai-shek/Nanking F 10.00
Farmers Bank of China
P458a 5 yuan 1935 Farmers/Temple,cow F 20.00
P459 10 yuan 1935 Farmers/Temple,horse F 15.00
P474c 1 yuan 1941 Dr.Dun
Yar-sen/Gate,sheep UN 30.00
P477a 100 yuan 1941 Huili temple/Bridge F 5.00
P478a 500 yuan 1941 Boats,bridge/Bridge F 300.00
Peoples Republic of China
P877d 1 jiao 1962 Workes/Arms UN 10.00
P855 2 yuan 1980 Girls/Pillar of South Heaven UN 50.00
P886 5 yuan 1980 Men/Wu gorge UN 10.00
P887 10 yuan 1980 Men/Mount Everest UN 20.00
P889 100 yuan 1990 Four leaders/Mountains UN 60.00
Japanese Occupation (1895-1945)
P1921 1 yen 1915 Tample/Costsline with
lighthouse G 40.00
P1925a 1 yuan 1933 Temple/Coastline VF 25.00
P1935 1 yuan 1946 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Naval
battle UN 40.00
P1949b 50 cents 1949 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank UN 10.00
P1955 10 yuan 1949 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank XF 60.00
P1963 1 cent 1954 Bank/Map UN 15.00
P1965 1 yuan 1954 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank XF 15.00
P1970 10 yuan 1960 Bridge,Dr.Sun
Yat-sen/Palace UN 35.00
P1971a 1 yuan 1961 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Palace UN 10.00
P1971b 1 yuan 1961 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Palace UN 6.00
P1973 5 yuan 1961 Dr.Sun
Yat-sen,lighthouse/Palace AU 30.00
P1982 50 yuan 1972 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Chungshan
building UN 8.00
Japanese Puppet Banks
J4 20 cents 1940 Dr.Sun Yat-sen
mausoleum,Nanking UN 40.00
J12h 10 yuan 1940 Dr.Sun Yat-sen
mausoleum,Nanking VF 10.00
J24a 500 yuan 1943 Dr.Sun Yat-sen
mausoleum,Nanking F 20.00
J28b 500 yuan 1943 Dr.Sun Yat-sen
mausoleum,Nanking F 12.00
J38 10000 yuan 1944 Dr.Sun Yat-sen
mausoleum,Nanking VF 50.00
J33a 1000 yuan 1944 Dr.Sun Yat-sen
mausoleum,Nanking VF 20.00
P41 5000 yuan 1945 Dr.Sun Yat-sen
mausoleum,Nanking VF 40.00
J42 5000 yuan 1945 Dr.Sun Yat-sen
mausoleum,Nanking VF 50.00
Federal Reserve Bank of China
J10e 5 yuan 1940 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Mausoleum,Nanking VF 20.00
J18a 50 cents 1943 Dr.Sun Yat-sen
mausoleum,Nanking VF 10.00
J18b 50 cents 1943 Dr.Sun Yat-sen
mausoleum,Nanking VF 10.00
J48a 10 fen 1938 Tower of Summer Palace/ XF 10.00
J49a 20 fen 1938 Temple of Heaven,Peking/ UN 30.00
P54 1 dollar 1938 Confucius,dragon/ G 40.00
J72 1 yuan 1941 Qufu Confucius temple/ VF 12.00
Japanese Imperial Government Military Notes
(long tile-11 characters)
M8 1 sen 1939 Dragon/ F 5.00
M10 5 sen 1939 Dragon/ F 25.00
M14 50 sen 1939 Dragon/ UN 40.00
p/h 10 yen 1940 Dragon/ F 20.00
Japanese Imperial Government Military Notes
(short tile-7 characters)
M11 10 sen 1940 Dragon/ F 10.00
M13 50 sen 1940 Dragon/ F 10.00
Japanese Occupation Military Notes
M30 100 yen 1945 Shotoku-taishi/Horyuji
temple UN 20.00
Regional, Emergency & Private Notes
Russo-Asiatic Bank, Harbin
S473 50
kopeks 1917 Steam locomotive/ UN 300.00
S474b 1
ruble 1917 /Steam
locomotive seria “B” VF 120.00
S475 3
rubles 1917 /Steam locomotive VF 160.00
Provincial Bank of Chihili
S1285 10 cents 1926 Greaat wall/ F 25.00
Bank of Local Railway of Shansi and Suiyuan
S1294c 1 dollar 1934 Steam passenger train/
Taiyjan F 60.00
The Hainan Bank
S1455 20 cents 1949 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Palm
trees UN 8.00
S1456 50 cents 1949 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Junk XF 6.00
S1456 50 cents 1949 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Junk UN 12.00
CantonMunicipal Bank
S2279e 5 dollars 1933 Zhenhai tower/Dr.Sun
Yat-sen F 45.00
Provincial Bank of Kwangtung Province
S2401a 1 dollar 1918 Pagoda of
Flowers/,Canton F 50.00
S2408 50 cents 1922 Zhenhai tower,Canton F 20.00
S2421d 1 dollar 1931 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Bank UN 35.00
P2437a 20 cents 1935 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Junks F 10.00
P2437b 20 cents 1935 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Junks VF 15.00
S2456 1 yuan 1949 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Memorial
Haal UN 30.00
S2458 10 yuan 1949 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Memorial
Haal UN 30.00
S2459 100 yuan 1949 Dr.Sun Yat-sen/Memorial
Haal UN 60.00
The New Fu-Tien Bank
S2997 5 dollars 1929 Mythical animals/ VG 90.00
P345b ˝ peso 1953 Narino/Arma (glue from
the tape) VF 25.00
P380 1 peso 1954 Santander/Arms UN 60.00
P398 1 peso 1953 Santander, bridge of Boyaca/Liberty UN 30.00
P401 20 pesos 1953 Caldas/Bank UN 80.00
P401 20 pesos 1960 Caldas/Bank UN 60.00
P404 1 peso 1959 Bolivar/Condor UN 12.00
P404 1 peso 1962 Bolivar/Condor UN 7.00
P404 1 peso 1971 Bolivar/Condor UN 6.00
P409 20 pesos 1981 Caldas w/globe/Artifacts UN 5.00
P409 20 pesos 1982 Caldas w/globe/Artifacts UN 5.00
P413 2 pesos 1972 Salavarrita/Gold museum UN 6.00
P413 2 pesos 1973 Salavarrita/Gold museum UN 5.00
P413 2 pesos 1977 Salavarrita/Gold museum 1.1.1977 UN 5.00
P413 2 pesos 1977 Salavarrita/Gold museum 20.7.1977 UN 5.00
P415 100 pesos 1973 Santander/Capitol UN 6.00
P418 100 pesos 1977 Santander/Palace UN 6.00
P419 200 pesos 1979 Bolivar/Coffee picking UN 12.00
P420 500 pesos 1979 Santander/Subterranean church UN 25.00
P424 1000 pesos 1984 Bolivar/Monument UN 25.00
P425 50 pesos 1984 Torres/Colombian orchids UN 5.00
P425 50 pesos 1985 Torres/Colombian orchids UN 5.00
P425 50 pesos 1986 Torres/Colombian orchids UN 5.00
P426 100 pesos 1983 Narino/Villa de Leyva UN 5.00
P426 100 pesos 1985 Narino/Villa de Leyva UN 5.00
P426 100 pesos 1986 Narino/Villa de Leyva UN 5.00
P426 100 pesos 1987 Narino/Villa de Leyva UN 5.00
P426 100 pesos 1988 Narino/Villa de Leyva UN 5.00
P426 100 pesos 1991 Narino/Villa de Leyva UN 5.00
P429 200 pesos 1989 Mutis/Monaster UN 5.00
P429 200 pesos 1991 Mutis/Monaster UN 5.00
P430 2000 pesos 1985 Bolivar/Cavalry TDLR UN 30.00
P431 500 pesos 1990 Santander/Bogota mint IBB UN 6.00
P431 500 pesos 1992 Santander/Bogota mint IBB UN 6.00
P431A 500 pesos 1992 Santander/Bogota mint IBB UN 6.00
P432A 1000 pesos 1992 Bolivar/Monument IBSFB UN 6.00
P433 2000 pesos 1990 Bolivar/Cavalry IBB UN 30.00
P433Aa 2000 pesos 1992 Bolivar/Cavalry IBSFB UN 20.00
P437A 10000 pesos 1994 Mujer Embera/Birds IBSFB UN 60.00
P440 5000 pesos 1995 Nunez/Statue UN 20.00
P447 5000 pesos 1999 Asuncion Silva/Poem IBSFB 12.10.1999 UN 35.00
P451 2000 pesos 2001 Santader/Bank UN 5.00
P451 2000 pesos 2003 Santader/Bank UN 5.00
P451 2000 pesos 2004 Santader/Bank UN 5.00
P452 5000 pesos 2001 Asuncion Silva/Poem IBB 17.12.2001 UN 12.00
P452 5000 pesos 2003 Asuncion Silva/Poem IBB UN 8.00
P452 5000 pesos 2011 Asuncion Silva/Poem IBB UN 8.00
P453 10000 pesos 2013 Salavarrieta/Guaduas village 3.9.2013 UN 15.00
P7b 500 francs 1976 Woman/Woman UN 90.00
P10a 500 francs 1994 Woman/Woman UN 70.00
P10b 500 francs 1994 Woman/Woman UN 40.00
P11b 1000 francs 1994 Woman/Ylang-Ylang
harvest UN 50.00
P11c 1000 francs 1994 Woman/Ylang-Ylang
harvest UN 40.00
P15a 500 feancs 2005 Lemur/Orchid UN 10.00
P16a 1000 francs 2005 Fish/Canoe UN 15.00
P17a 2000 francs 2005 Mosque/Village UN 20.00
P18a 5000 francs 2006 Djohr/Tree UN 50.00
P18c 5000 francs 2006 Djohr/Tree UN 50.00
P19c 10000 francs 2006 Mosque/Vanilla,turtle UN 95.00
Republic (Belgium
Colony till 1960)
P2 1000 francs 1962 Man/Waterbuck F 150.00
P8 1000 francs 1961 Kasavubu/Building VF 40.00
P12 1 zaire 1970 Mobutu/“Time to Work” F 25.00
P17 50 makuta 1979 Mobutu/Fishing UN 10.00
P17 50 makuta 1980 Mobutu/Fishing UN 8.00
P19 1 zaire 1979 Mobutu/Factory UN 10.00
P19 1 zaire 1980 Mobutu/Factory UN 9.00
P19 1 zaire 1981 Mobutu/Factory UN 8.00
P21b 5 zaires 1977 Mobutu/Hydroelectric dam UN 20.00
P23b 10 zaires 1977 Mobutu/Arms UN 20.00
P28a 50 zaires 1982 Mobutu/Fishing UN 25.00
P29b 100 zaires 1985 Mobutu/Bank UN 12.00
P34 500 zaires 1989 Mobutu/Suspension bridge UN 10.00
P37b 5000 zaires 1988 Mabutu/Factory UN 10.00
P38 10000 zaires 1989 Mobutu/Building UN 12.00
P39 20000 zaires 1991 Mobutu/Bank UN 7.00
P40 50000 zaires 1991 Mobutu/Gorillas UN 15.00
P41 100000 zaires 1992 Mobutu/Building UN 10.00
P42 200000 zaires 1992 Mobutu/Building UN 12.00
P43 500000 zaires 1992 Mobutu/Hydroelectric dam UN 12.00
P44 1000000 zaires 1992 Mobutu/Suspension bridge G&D UN 18.00
P45b 1000000 zaires 1993 Mobutu/Suspension bridge 30.6.1993 HdMZ UN 15.00
P46 5000000 zaires 1992 Mobutu/Elephant tusks UN 15.00
P56 20 zaires 1993 Mobutu/Building UN 7.00
P57 50 zaires 1993 Mobutu/Hydroelectric dam HdMZ UN 8.00
P58a 100 zaires 1993 Mobutu/Suspension bridge UN 12.00
P59 50 zaires 1994 Mobutu/Hydroelectric dam HdMZ UN 20.00
P60 100 zaires 1994 Mobutu/Suspension bridge UN 20.00
P61 200 zaires 1994 Mobutu/Fishing HdMZ UN 6.00
P64 500 zaires 1994 Mobutu/Bldg G&D UN 20.00
P65 500 zaires 1995 Mobutu/“500” HdMZ UN 8.00
P66 1000 zaires 1995 Mobutu/“1000” G&D UN 12.00
P69 5000 zaires 1995 Mobutu/“5000” HdMZ UN 9.00
P70 10000 zaires 1995 Mobutu/“10000” G&D UN 15.00
P73 20000 zaires 1996 Mobutu/“20000” HdMZ UN 20.00
P74 50000 zaires 1996 Mobutu/“50000” G&D UN 20.00
P76 100000 zaires 1996 Mobutu/“100000” G&D UN 16.00
P77A 100000 zaires 1996 Mobutu/“100000” HdMZ UN 40.00
P78 500000 zaires 1996 Mobutu/Family in canoe G&D UN 25.00
P84A 50 centimes 1997 Okapi/Okapis ATB UN 6.00
P87B 10 francs 1997 Sculpture/ HdM UN 10.00
P88A 20 francs 1997 Lion/Lions HdM UN 15.00
P91 50 francs 2000 Mask/Village G&D UN 7.00
P92 100 francs 2000 Elephant/Dam G&D UN 7.00
P92A 100 francs 2000 Elephant/Dam HdM UN 7.00
P93 10 francs 2003 Luba carving/Luba carving G&D UN 10.00
P93A 10 francs 2003 Luba carving/Luba carving HdM UN 10.00
P94 20 francs 2003 Lion/Lions litho HdM UN 5.00
P95 200 francs 2000 Farming/Musical G&D UN 12.00
P96a 500 francs 2002 Mining/River G&D UN 7.00
P96b 500 francs 2013 Mining/River G&D UN 7.00
P96B 500 francs 2002 Mining/River HdM UN 10.00
P97a 50 francs 2007 Mask/Village G&D UN 7.00
P97b 50 francs 2013 Mask/Village GDCT UN 7.00
P98A 100 francs 2007 Elephant/Dam G&D UN 8.00
P99a 200 francs 2007 Farming/ G&H UN 12.00
P100 comm 500 francs 2010 “50th Anni. Of Independence” UN 15.00
P101b 1000 francs 2013 Okapi,Kanioka box/Parrot UN 6.00
P102b 5000 francs 2013 Zebras,Hemba statuette/Congolese peacocks UN 30.00
P2 500 francs 1983 Woman/Students UN 200.00
P3 1000 francs 1983 Man/Industry UN 250.00
P7 10000 francs 1983 Woman/Banana harvest UN 400.00
P8 500 francs 1989 Carving/Carver UN 40.00
P8 500 francs 1990 Carving/Carver UN 25.00
P8 500 francs 1991 Carving/Carver UN 20.00
P11 1000 francs 1992 Map/Elephant UN 80.00
P3 3 dollars 1987 Ina on shark/Boat UN 12.00
P4 10 dollars 1987 Ina on shark/Sculptures UN 35.00
P7 3 dollars 1992 Church,dancers/ UN 8.00
P9 20 dollars 1992 Church/Fauna,flora,boat UN 20.00
P10 50 dollars 1992 Church/Fauna,flora,boat UN 50.00
P230 10 colones 1970 Facio/Bank UN 60.00
P236 5 colones 1970 Castro/Scene error“T.Villa” UN 12.00
P236 5 colones 1972 Castro/Scene error“T.Villa” UN 12.00
P236 5 colones 1981 Castro/Harbor scene UN 5.00
P236 5 colones 1983 Castro/Harbor scene UN 5.00
P236 5 colones 1985 Castro/Harbor scene UN 5.00
P236 5 colones 1989 Castro/Harbor scene UN 5.00
P236 5 colones 1990 Castro/Harbor scene UN 5.00
P236 5 colones 1992 Castro/Harbor scene UN 5.00
P237 10 colones 1972 Facio/Bank UN 30.00
P237 10 colones 1982 Facio/Bank UN 7.00
P237 10 colones 1983 Facio/Bank UN 7.00
P237 10 colones 1985 Facio/Bank UN 7.00
P237 10 colones 1986 Facio/Bank UN 7.00
P237 10 colones 1987 Facio/Bank UN 7.00
P238 20 colones 1973 Gonzales/Court UN 30.00
P238 20 colones 1982 Gonzales/Court UN 18.00
P238 20 colones 1983 Gonzales/Court UN 18.00
P239 50 colones 1974 Peralta/Casa Amarilla UN 60.00
P240 100 colones 1974 Jimenez/Court UN 80.00
P248 100 colones 1987 Jimenez/Court TDLR UN 25.00
P248 100 colones 1988 Jimenez/Court TDLR UN 25.00
P254 100 colones 1989 Jimenez/Court ABNC UN 22.00
P254 100 colones 1990 Jimenez/Court ABNC UN 22.00
P257 50 colones 1991 Ortuno/Bank TDLR UN 8.00
P257 50 colones 1992 Ortuno/Bank TDLR UN 6.00
P257 50 colones 1993 Ortuno/Bank TDLR UN 6.00
P258 100 colones 1992 Jimenez/Court CdM-B UN 35.00
P259 1000 colones 1990 Guell/Building USB UN 60.00
P261 100 colones 1993 Jimenez/Court ABNC UN 5.00
P262 500 colones 1994 Gutierrez/Theatre TDLR UN 22.00
P264 1000 colones 1997 Guell/Building FCO UN 12.00
P264 1000 colones 2004 Guell/Building FCO UN 6.00
P264 1000 colones 2005 Guell/Building FCO UN 6.00
P265 2000 colones 2003 Picado/Shark,dolphin FCO UN 20.00
P265 2000 colones 2005 Picado/Shark,dolphin FCO UN 20.00
P267 “A” 10000 colones 2007 Gamboa/Jaguar,puma OT UN 60.00
P268 “C” 5000 colones 1999 Sculpture/Fauna,flora FCO UN 50.00
P268A “C” 5000 colones 2004 Sculpture/Fauna,flora FCO UN 40.00
P268A “C” 5000 colones 2005 Sculpture/Fauna,flora FCO UN 40.00
P274 1000 colones 2009 Colina/Dear UN 7.00
P274 1000 colones 2013 Colina/Dear UN 4.00
P275 2000 colones 2009 Acuna/Shark UN 15.00
P282 5000 colones 2018 Flores/Monkey UN 20.00
Banco Anglo Costarricense
S122 5 colones 19-- w/o sign.
Remainder UN 60.00
German occupation WW II
P4 1000 kuna 1941 Woman/Mountains UN 35.00
P7 1 kuna 1942 Arms/ UN 35.00
P12 1000 kuna 1943 Frieze/Women UN 30.00
P13 5000 kuna 1943 Woman/ F 10.00
P13 5000 kuna 1943 Woman/ AU 25.00
P25 10000 dinara 1992 Boskovic/Sculpture UN 20.00
P26 50000 dinara 1993 Boskovic/Sculpture UN 5.00
P27 100000 dinara 1992 Boskovic/Sculpture UN 5.00
P28 5 kuna 1993 Frankopan.Zrinski/Castle Varazdin UN 15.00
P29 10 kuna 1993 Dobrila/Arena Pula UN 20.00
P37 5 kuna 2001 Frankopan.Zrinski/Castle Varazdin UN 6.00
P38 10 kuna 2001 Dobrila/Arena Pula UN 12.00
P38 10 kuna 2012 Dobrila/Arena Pula UN 12.00
P39 20 kuna 2012 Jelacic/Castle Vukovar UN 16.00
P40 50 kuna 2002 Gundulic/City Dubrovnik UN 35.00
P41 100 kuna 2012 Mazuranic/St.Vitus church in Rijeka UN 50.00
P43 comm 10 kuna 2004 “10th Anniversary of National
Bank” UN 14.00
Serbian Republic of Kraina, Knin
R2 50 dinara 1992 Arms/ UN 15.00
R3 100 dinara 1992 Arms/ UN 25.00
R12 10000000 dinara 1993 Arms/ UN 12.00
R13 20000000 dinara 1993 Arms/ UN 20.00
R14 50000000 dinara 1993 Arms/ UN 20.00
R15 100000000 dinara 1993 Arms/ UN 20.00
R16 500000000 dinara 1993 Atms/ UN 15.00
R17 1000000000 dinara 1993 Arms/ UN 20.00
R18 5000000000 dinara 1993 Arms/ UN 35.00
R19 10000000000 dinara 1993 Arms/ UN 35.00
R20 5000 dinara 1993 Knin fortress/Arms UN 6.00
R21 50000 dinara 1993 Knin fortress/Arms UN 6.00
R22 100000 dinara 1993 Knin fortress/Arms UN 6.00
R23 500000 dinara 1993 Knin fortress/Arms UN 6.00
R24 5000000 dinara 1993 Knin fortress/Arms UN 6.00
R25 100000000 dinara 1993 Knin fortress/Arms UN 6.00
R26 500000000 dinara 1993 Knin fortress/Arms UN 6.00
R27 5000000000 dinara 1993 Knin fortress/Arms UN 15.00
R28 10000000000 dinara 1993 Knin fortress/Arms UN 18.00
R29 50000000000 dinara 1993 Knin fortress/Arms UN 16.00
R30 1000 dinara 1994 Knin fortress/Arms UN 6.00
R31 10000 dinara 1994 Knin fortress/Arms UN 6.00
R32 500000 dinara 1994 Knin fortress/Arms UN 6.00
R33 1000000 dinara 1994 Knin fortress/Arms UN 7.00
Spanish Colony
P48c 5 pesos 1897 Allegorical woman/Arms AU 60.00
P49c 10 pesos 1896 Ox cart/Arms XF 40.00
P50b 50 pesos 1896 Woman,arms/Ovpt “PLATA” F 75.00
P55a 1 peso 1869 Arms/ VF 70.00
P69d 1 peso 1938 Marti/Arms F 35.00
P77a 1 peso 1949 Marti/Arms XF 30.00
P77b 1 peso 1949 Marti/Arms F 20.00
P79b 10 pesos 1960 Cespedes/Arms F 10.00
P80a 20 pesos 1949 Maceo/Arms AU 30.00
P80b 20 pesos 1958 Maceo/Arms XF 15.00
P80b 20 pesos 1958 Maceo/Arms UN 50.00
P80c 20 pesos 1960 Maceo/Arms sign.Che UN 60.00
P81b 50 pesos 1958 Iniguez/Arms UN 35.00
comm 1 peso 1953 Marti/Manifesto VG 30.00
P87b 1 peso 1957 Marti/Arms F 6.00
P88c 10 pesos 1960 Cespedes/Cows sign.Che UN 60.00
P91a 5 pesos 1958 Gomez/Arms F 8.00
P92 5 pesos 1960 Gomez/Arms VF 5.00
P93 100 pesos 1959 Aguilera/Arms UN 22.00
P98 50 pesos 1961 Iniguez/Nationalization
sign.Che F 40.00
P102 1 peso 1981 Marti/Castro in Havana UN 6.00
P102 1 peso 1985 Marti/Castro in Havana UN 10.00
P102 1 peso 1986 Marti/Castro in Havana UN 5.00
P102 1 peso 1988 Marti/Castro in Havana UN 5.00
P110 20 pesos 1991 Cienfuegos/Farming UN 26.00
P112 1 peso 1995 Marti/Castro in Havana UN 5.00
P116 5 pesos 1997 Maceo/Patriots UN 6.00
P116 5 pesos 2006 Maceo/Patriots UN 6.00
P117 10 pesos 1997 Gomez/Weapons UN 12.00
P118 20 pesos 1998 Cienfuegos/Farming UN 25.00
comm 1 peso 2003 “150th Anni.
birth of Marti UN 10.00
comm 3 pesos 2004 “E. Che Guevara” UN 7.00
Foreign Exchange Certificates
“B” 1 peso 1985 Arms/Fort
San Salvador UN 4.00
“B” 5 pesos 1985 Arms/Fort
Los Tries Reyes UN 6.00
“B” 10 pesos 1985 Arms/Nuestra
Senora UN 10.00
“B” 20 pesos 1985 Arms/Real
Fuerza UN 10.00
“C” 1 peso ND Arms/ UN 8.00
“C” 5 pesos ND Arms/ UN 8.00
“C” 3 pesos ND Arms/ UN 10.00
“C” 10 pesos ND Arms/ UN 18.00
“C” 20 pesos ND Arms/ UN 12.00
“C” 50 pesos ND Arms/ UN 12.00
“C” 100 pesos ND Arms/ UN 12.00
P7Cr 2 ˝ gulden 1920 no sign. UN 500.00
P23 10 gulden 1939 Woman,Willemstad/Arms F 150.00
P35a 1 gulden 1942 Mercury/Arms VF 40.00
P41 250 mils 1982 Olives,Arms/Limestone quarry UN 120.00
P47 5 pounds 1979 Sculpture/Amphitheatre of Salamis F 35.00
P48 10 pounds 1983 Ancient bust/Cyprus warbles F 70.00
P49 50 cents 1983 Woman/Dam UN 80.00
P49 50 cents 1984 Woman/Dam UN 60.00
P52 50 cents 1989 Woman/Dam UN 25.00
P53 1 pound 1992 Nymph/Abbey ruins UN 50.00
P53 1 pound 1993 Nymph/Abbey ruins UN 50.00
P53 1 pound 1994 Nymph/Abbey ruins UN 50.00
P53 1 pound 1995 Nymph/Abbey ruins UN 45.00
P53 1 pound 1996 Nymph/Abbey ruins UN 45.00
P57 1 pound 1997 Girl/Pottery 1.2.1997 UN 40.00
P60 1 pound 1997 Girl/Pottery 1.10.1997 UN 12.00
P60 1 pound 1998 Girl/Pottery 1.12.1998 UN 12.00
P60 1 pound 2001 Girl/Pottery 1.2.2001 UN 10.00
P60 1 pound 2004 Girl/Pottery 1.4.2004 UN 7.00
P61 5 pounds 2001 Sculpture/Church 1.2.2001 UN 70.00
P61 5 pounds 2003 Sculpture/Church 1.9.2003 UN 60.00
P62 10 pounds 1998 Artemis/Fauna,flora 1.12.1998 UN 200.00
P62 10 pounds 2005 Artemis/Fauna,flora 1.4.2005 UN 90.00
P63 20 pounds 2004 Aphrodite/Kyrenia boat 1.4.2004 UN 300.00
P4 “A” 50 korun 1993 St.Agnes of Bohemia/Gothic window UN 40.00
P10 “A” 20 korun 1994 Kg.Otakar/Crown UN 20.00
P17 “D” 50 korun 1997 St.Agnes of Bohemia/Gothic window UN 12.00
P17 “E” 50 korun 1997 St.Agnes of Bohemia/Gothic window UN 12.00
P18 “D” 100 korun 1997 Karel IV/University seal UN 15.00
P18 “E” 100 korun 1997 Karel IV/University seal UN 15.00
P18 “G” 100 korun 1997 Karel IV/University seal UN 15.00
P18 “H” 100 korun 2018 Karel IV/University seal UN 15.00
P18 “J” 100 korun 2018 Karel IV/University seal UN 15.00
P19 “C” 200 korun 1998 Komensky/Hands UN 25.00
P19 “D” 200 korun 1998 Komensky/Hands UN 25.00
P19 “E” 200 korun 1998 Komensky/Hands UN 25.00
P24 “E” 500 korun 2009 Nemcova/Laureate woman UN 40.00
P60 10 korun 1945 green UN 25.00
P63 100 korun 1945 Masaryk/Hradcany and Charles Bridge F 25.00
P67 100 korun 1945 Woman/ UN 60.00
P78a 1 koruna 1953 /Arms UN 30.00
P79a 3 koruny 1953 /Arms UN 20.00
P79b 3 koruny 1953 /Arms UN 20.00
P80a 5 korun 1953 /Arms UN 20.00
P81a 3 koruny 1961 /Arms UN 20.00
P83a 10 korun 1953 /Arms UN 25.00
P84b 25 korun 1953 Zizka/Tabor UN 30.00
P85b 50 korun 1953 Soldiers/Banska Bystica UN 20.00
P86b 100 korun 1953 Workers/Prague UN 35.00
P87a 25 korun 1958 Zizka/Tabor UN 30.00
P88 “E” 10 korun 1960 Girls/Orava-Arwa Dam UN 30.00
P91j 100 korun 1961 Couple/Prague UN 30.00
P94 “P” 10 korun 1986 Orszag-Hviezdoslav/Orava mountains UN 10.00
P94 “V” 10 korun 1986 Orszag-Hviezdoslav/Orava
mountains UN 10.00
P95 “E” 20 korun 1988 Komensky/Tree of Life UN 15.00
P96 “F” 50 korun 1987 Stur/Bratislava UN 20.00
P97 “A” 100 korun 1989 Gottwald/Praha castle UN 25.00
P10b 1 krone 1914 red/7-digit # F 50.00
P11 1 krone 1914 Red/Arms F 30.00
“B” 1 krone 1916 /Arms VF 20.00
“G” 1 krone 1918 /Arms VF 20.00
“H” 1 krone 1918 /Arms F 10.00
P12 “2
O” 1 krone 1921 /Arms F 20.00
“H” 5 kroner 1942 Stone-age/Arms VG 12.00
“J” 5 kroner 1943 Stone-age/Arms F 20.00
“J” 5 kroner 1943 Stone-age/Arms F 30.00
“J” 5 kroner 1943 Stone-age/Arms VF 40.00
“K” 5 kroner 1943 Stone-age/Arms VF 40.00
“M” 10 kroner 1937 Seaweed/Mercury F 20.00
“V” 10 kroner 1943 Seaweed/Mercury F 20.00
“U” 10 kroner 1943 Seaweed/Mercury VF 30.00
“V” 10 kroner 1943 Seaweed/Mercury VF 30.00
P33 100 kroner 1943 Dolphins/Arms VF 200.00
P33 100 kroner 1943 Dolphins/Arms VF 200.00
P35 5 kroner 1944 /Arms VG 15.00
P35 5 kroner 1949 /Arms F 40.00
P36 10 kroner 1944 /Arms F 30.00
P36 10 kroner 1944 /Arms VF 40.00
P36 10 kroner 1944 /Arms F 30.00
P36 10 kroner 1944 /Arms F 30.00
P37 10 kroner 1947 Green/Arms F 20.00
P37 10 kroner 1947 Green/Arms F 20.00
P37 10 kroner 1947 Green/Arms F 20.00
P37 10 kroner 1948 Green/Arms F 20.00
P37 10 kroner 1948 Green/Arms F 20.00
P38 50 kroner 1944 Fishermen in boat/Arms F 200.00
P39 100 kroner 1956 Dolphins/Arms F 200.00
P44 10 kroner 1965 Andersen,storks/Egeskov
windmill UN 80.00
P45 50 kroner 1970 Ole Romer/Djursland F 40.00
P48 10 kroner 1975 Kirchhoff/Duck UN 20.00
P49 20 kroner 1979 Tutein/Sparrow UN 35.00
P49 20 kroner 1979 Tutein/Sparrow UN 35.00
P49 20 kroner 1980 Tutein/Sparrow UN 35.00
P49 20 kroner 1981 Tutein/Sparrow UN 35.00
P49 20 kroner 1981 Tutein/Sparrow UN 35.00
P49 20 kroner 1983 Tutein/Sparrow UN 35.00
P49 20 kroner 1988 Tutein/Sparrow UN 35.00
P55 50 kroner 2000 Blixen/Centaur UN 35.00
P61 100 kroner 2003 Nielsen/Basilisk stone
relief F 25.00
P61 100 kroner 2006 Nielsen/Basilisk stone
relief F 25.00
French colony
p/h 100 francs 1920 Brown/Animals F 600.00
P19 10 francs 1946 Man/Camel F 100.00
P25 50 francs 1952 Boat/Camels F 30.00
P26 100 francs 1952 Coral/Palm tree (tears) F 35.00
P26 100 francs 1952 Coral/Palm tree F 40.00
P36b 500 francs 1988 Man,storks/Ships UN 35.00
P37e 1000 francs ND Woman,train/Caravan UN 55.00
P38d 5000 francs ND Man/City,port UN 280.00
P40 2000 francs 1997 Girl,caravan/Building UN 40.00
P42b 1000 francs 2005 Camel/Port UN 30.00
P46 40 francs 2017 “40th
Anniversary of Independence” UN 10.00
P6 canc 20 pesos 1848 1 peso=40 centavos VG 350.00
P7 canc 40 pesos 1848 2 pesos=80 centavos VG 400.00
P60 1 peso oro 1947 Duarte/Arms ABNC XF 70.00
P91 1 peso oro 1962 Duarte/Arms ABNC F 20.00
P99 1 peso oro 1964 Duarte/Arms TDLR XF 30.00
P117b 1 peso oro 1981 Durate/Factory UN 18.00
P118 5 pesos oro 1988 Sanchez/Dam TDLR UN 16.00
P119 10 pesos oro 1988 Mella/Mining TDLR UN 35.00
P126a 1 peso oro 1984 Durate/Factory UN 6.00
P126b 1 peso oro 1984 Durate/Factory UN 6.00
P126a 1 peso oro 1987 Durate/Factory UN 6.00
P126b 1 peso oro 1987 Durate/Factory UN 6.00
P126 1 peso oro 1988 Durate/Factory UN 6.00
P133 20 pesos oro 1990 Altar de la Patria Harrison UN 12.00
P139 comm 20 pesos oro 1992 “1492-1992 C.Columbus” UN 25.00
P171 100 pesos oro 2003 3 man/Fort DLR UN 12.00
P171 100 pesos oro 2004 3 man/Fort DLR UN 12.00
P172 500 pesos oro 2003 Henriquez,Urena/Bank UN 65.00
P176b 20 pesos oro 2008 Cathedral/Church OT UN 6.00
P177 100 pesos oro 2006 3 man/Fort DLR UN 7.00
P177 100 pesos oro 2009 3 man/Fort DLR UN 7.00
P183 50 pesos dom 2011 Cathedral/Church DLR UN 5.00
P183 50 pesos dom 2012 Cathedral/Church OT UN 5.00
P184 100 pesos dom 2011 3 man/Fort DLR UN 7.00
P189 50 pesos dom 2014 Cathedral/Church UN 5.00
P190 100 pesos dom 2017 3 man/Fort UN 7.00
P195 comm 500 pesos 2017 “70th Anni. Of Banko Central” UN 45.00
P13a 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island sign.2 VF 20.00
P13d 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.5 F 10.00
P13d 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.7 XF 25.00
P13e 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.8 F 10.00
P13f 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.9 VF 15.00
P13f 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.10 XF 20.00
P13f 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.10 UN 35.00
“A” 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.10 F 10.00
“A” 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.10 XF 40.00
“G” 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.10 F 10.00
“L” 1 dollar 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.10 VF 18.00
P14a 5 dollars 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.1 VF 25.00
P14b 5 dollars 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.2 VF 25.00
P14e 5 dollars 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.5 VF 25.00
P14e 5 dollars 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.6 F 20.00
P14g 5 dollars 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.8 XF 40.00
P14g 5 dollars 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.8 AU 70.00
P14h 5 dollars 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.10 XF 40.00
“A” 5 dollars 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.10 UN 95.00
“D” 5 dollars 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.10 VF 55.00
“L” 5 dollars 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
sign.10 F 45.00
“A” 1 dollar 1985 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island Antigua UN 45.00
P17 “K” 1 dollar 1985 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island
St.Kitts UN 45.00
“U” 1 dollar 1985 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island Anguilla UN 45.00
“V” 1 dollar 1985 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island St.Vincent UN 45.00
“A” 5 dollars 1988 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island Antigua UN 95.00
“A” 10 dollars 1994 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat Antigua UN 95.00
“K” 10 dollars 1994 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat St.Kitts UN 90.00
“V” 10 dollars 1994 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat St.Vincent UN 95.00
“V” 20 dollars 1994 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,nutmeg St.Vincent UN 200.00
“D” 5 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,falls Dominica UN 40.00
“G” 5 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,falls Grenada UN 40.00
“K” 5 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,falls St.Kitts UN 40.00
“M” 5 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,falls Montserrat UN 50.00
“U” 5 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,falls Anguilla UN 50.00
“V” 5 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,falls St.Vincent UN 50.00
“D” 10 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat Dominica UN 90.00
“G” 10 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat Grenada UN 90.00
“K” 10 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat St.Kitts UN 90.00
“L” 10 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat St.Lucia UN 90.00
“M” 10 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat Montserrat UN 110.00
“U” 10 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat Anguilla UN 90.00
“V” 10 dollars 2000 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat St.Vincent UN 90.00
“A” 5 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,falls Antigua UN 30.00
“D” 5 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,falls Dominica UN 35.00
“G” 5 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,falls Grenada UN 35.00
“K” 5 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,falls St.Kitts UN 35.00
“M” 5 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,falls Montserrat UN 30.00
“U” 5 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,falls Anguilla UN 35.00
“V” 5 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth
II/House,falls St.Vincent UN 35.00
“D” 10 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat Dominica UN 55.00
“K” 10 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat St.Kitts UN 55.00
“U” 10 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat Anguilla UN 55.00
“V” 10 dollars 2003 Qn.Elizabeth
II/Island,boat St.Vincent UN 50.00
P47 5 dollars 2008 Qn.Elizabeth II/House,falls UN 7.00
P48 10 dollars 2008 Qn.Elizabeth II/Island,boat UN 30.00
P49 20 dollars 2008 Qn.Elizabeth II/House,nutmeg UN 60.00
P53b 20 dollars 2016 Qn.Elizabeth II/House,nutmeg UN 30.00
P54a 50 dollars 2012 Qn.Elizabeth II/Volcano UN 60.00
P62 50 dollars 2024 50th Anni. of Grenada’s
Independence UN 70.00
P98 5 sucres 1951 Sucre/Arms W&S XF 45.00
P98 5 sucres 1955 Sucre/Arms W&S VF 25.00
P100 “HJ” 5 sucres 1970 Sucre/Arms ABNC UN 30.00
P103 “LA” 20 sucres 1973 Church/Arms ABNC UN 40.00
P108 “HM” 5 sucres 1975 Sucre/Arms ABNC UN 18.00
P108 “HO” 5 sucres 1977 Sucre/Arms ABNC UN 15.00
P108 “HP” 5 sucres 1977 Sucre/Arms ABNC UN 15.00
P108 “HV” 5 sucres 1982 Sucre/Arms ABNC UN 6.00
P108 “HW” 5 sucres 1982 Sucre/Arms ABNC UN 6.00
P108 “HY” 5 sucres 1983 Sucre/Arms ABNC UN 4.00
P108 “HZ” 5 sucres 1983 Sucre/Arms ABNC UN 4.00
P113 “HR” 5 sucres 1979 Sucre/Arms TDLR UN 7.00
P113 “HU” 5 sucres 1980 Sucre/Arms TDLR UN 5.00
P113 “IC” 5 sucres 1988 Sucre/Arms TDLR UN 4.00
P113 “IE” 5 sucres 1988 Sucre/Arms TDLR UN 4.00
P114 “LI” 10 sucres 1982 Benalcazar/Arms TDLR UN 12.00
P115 “LE” 20 sucres 1980 Church/Arms TDLR UN 20.00
P115 “LF” 20 sucres 1980 Church/Arms TDLR UN 20.00
P121 “LN” 10 sucres 1986 Benalcazar/Arms UN 6.00
P121 “LP” 10 sucres 1988 Benalcazar/Arms UN 5.00
P121 “LO” 10 sucres 1988 Benalcazar/Arms UN 5.00
P121 “LQ” 10 sucres 1988 Benalcazar/Arms UN 5.00
P121 “LR” 10 sucres 1988 Benalcazar/Arms UN 5.00
P121A “LN” 20 sucres 1986 Church/Arms UN 5.00
P121A “LO” 20 sucres 1986 Church/Arms UN 5.00
P121A “LQ” 20 sucres 1988 Church/Arms UN 5.00
P121A “LR” 20 sucres 1988 Church/Arms UN 5.00
P121A “LS” 20 sucres 1988 Church/Arms UN 5.00
P122 “TX” 50 secres 1984 Monument/Arms UN 25.00
P122 “TZ” 50 secres 1988 Monument/Arms UN 15.00
P122 “UA” 50 escres 1988 Monument/Arms UN 15.00
P122 “UB” 50 escres 1988 Monument/Arms UN 15.00
P123 “VP” 100 sucres 1986 Bolivar/Arms UN 30.00
P123 “VQ” 100 sucres 1986 Bolivar/Arms UN 30.00
P123 “VW” 100 sucres 1990 Bolivar/Arms UN 25.00
P123 “VY” 100 sucres 1990 Bolivar/Arms UN 25.00
P123A “VT” 100 sucres 1988 Bolivar/Arms UN 12.00
P123A “WD” 100 sucres 1992 Bolivar/Arms UN 7.00
P123A “WF” 100 sucres 1993 Bolivar/Arms UN 7.00
P123A “WH” 100 sucres 1994 Bolivar/Arms UN 7.00
P124A “GX” 500 sucres 1988 Espejo/Arms UN 18.00
P124A “GY” 500 sucres 1988 Espejo/Arms UN 18.00
P125 “IQ” 1000 sucres 1986 Ruminahui/Arms UN 30.00
P125 “IT” 1000 sucres 1986 Ruminahui/Arms UN 30.00
P125 “IZ” 1000 sucres 1988 Ruminahui/Arms UN 25.00
P127 “AK” 10000 sucres 1995 Rocafuerte/Monument UN 35.00
P127 “AL” 10000 sucres 1995 Rocafuerte/Monument UN 35.00
P127 “AO” 10000 sucres 1998 Rocafuerte/Monument UN 25.00
P128 “AN” 5000 sucres 1999 Montalvo/Sea tortoise UN 15.00
P129 “AF” 20000 sucres 1999 Moreno/Arms UN 30.00
P130 “AF” 50000 sucres 1999 Alfaro/Arms UN 30.00
Regional,Emergency,Private notes
S172r 1 sucre 18-- Banko Internacional UN 50.00
P24a 1 pound 1950 Kg.Farouk/Ruins GH/3 F 100.00
P30 1 pound 1960 Tutankhamon/Ruins F 20.00
P32 10 pounds 1960 Tutankhamon/Temple UN 90.00
P35a 25 piastres 1961 Arms/25 sign.11 UN 25.00
P36a 50 piastres 1961 Arms/50 sign.11 UN 35.00
P37 1 pound 1967 Tutankhamon/ sign.13 UN 30.00
P42 25 piastres 1969 Sphinx/Arms sign.13 UN 25.00
P42 25 piastres 1972 Sphinx/Arms sign.14 UN 20.00
P42 25 piastres 1974 Sphinx/Arms sign.14 UN 20.00
P43 50 piastres 1978 Mosque/Ramses sign.15 UN 10.00
P44 1 pound 1971 Mosque/Statues sign.14 UN 12.00
P44 1 pound 1975 Mosque/Statues sign.14 UN 10.00
P44 1 pound 1976 Mosque/Statues sign.15 UN 10.00
P44 1 pound 1978 Mosque/Statues sign.15 UN 10.00
P45 5 pouds 1976 Mosque at Cairo/Ruins sign.15 UN 40.00
P45 5 pouds 1978 Mosque at Cairo/Ruins sign.15 UN 35.00
P46 10 pounds 1972 Mosque at Cairo/Pharaoh Chephrem UN 40.00
P46 10 pounds 1978 Mosque at Cairo/Pharaoh Chephrem UN 40.00
P47 25 piastres 1976 Sphinx/Arms sign.15 UN 10.00
P47 25 piastres 1977 Sphinx/Arms sign.15 UN 6.00
P47 25 piastres 1978 Sphinx/Arms sign.15 UN 5.00
P50 1 pound 1980 Mosque/Statues 7.01.1980 sign.15 UN 30.00
P50 1 pound 1980 Mosque/Statues 8.01.1980 sign.15 UN 30.00
P50 1 pound 1991 Mosque/Statues 29.01.1991 sign.18 UN 8.00
P50 1 pound 1994 Mosque/Statues 25.02.1994 sign.18 UN 8.00
P50 1 pound 1999 Mosque/Statues 20.01.1999 sign.18 UN 8.00
P50 1 pound 2001 Mosque/Statues 22.11.2001 sign.20 UN 5.00
P50 1 pound 2002 Mosque/Statues 11.02.2002 sign.20 UN 5.00
P50 1 pound 2003 Mosque/Statues 10.3.2003 sign.20 UN 5.00
P50 1 pound 2003 Mosque/Statues 14.8.2003 sign.20 UN 5.00
P50 1 pound 2003 Mosque/Statues 23.12.2003 sign.21 UN 5.00
P50 1 pound 2004 Mosque/Statues 1.5.2004 sign.22 UN 5.00
P50 1 pound 2004 Mosque/Statues 7.7.2004 sign.22 UN 5.00
P51 repl 10 pound 1995 Mosque/Chephren 10.1.1995 “300” sign.19 UN 50.00
P51 10 pound 1998 Mosque/Chephren 24.9.1998 sign.19 UN 25.00
P51 10 pound 1999 Mosque/Chephren 21.7.1999 sign.19 UN 25.00
P52 20 pounds 1986 Mosque/War chariot UN 50.00
P52 20 pounds 1998 Mosque/War chariot UN 40.00
P54 25 piastres 1980 Mosque/Arms 21.1.1980 sign.15 UN 12.00
P54 25 piastres 1980 Mosque/Arms 22.1.1980 sign.15 UN 12.00
P54 25 piastres 1981 Mosque/Arms 19.7.1981 sign.15 UN 12.00
P54 25 piastres 1982 Mosque/Arms 27.3.1981 sign.16 UN 12.00
P54 25 piastres 1984 Mosque/Arms 2.1.1984 sign.16 UN 12.00
P55 50 piastres 1981 Mosque/Ramses II 1.1.1981 sign.15 UN 30.00
P55 50 piastres 1981 Mosque/Ramses II 4.1.1981 sign.15 UN 30.00
P55 50 piastres 1981 Mosque/Ramses II 10.1.1981 sign.16 UN 30.00
P55 50 piastres 1983 Mosque/Ramses II 12.6.1983 sign.16 UN 30.00
P58 50 piastres 1985 Mosque/Pharaoh 2.7.1985 sign.17 UN 25.00
P58 50 piastres 1985 Mosque/Pharaoh 8.7.1985 sign.17 UN 25.00
P58 50 piastres 1987 Mosque/Pharaoh 3.2.1987 sign.18 UN 20.00
P58 50 piastres 1987 Mosque/Pharaoh 5.2.1987 sign.18 UN 20.00
P58 50 piastres 1994 Mosque/Pharaoh 10.8.1994 sign.18 UN 8.00
P59 5 pounds 1997 Mosque/Ancient relief 20.11.1997 sign.19 UN 10.00
P63 5 pounds 2002 Mosque/Ancient relief 2.5.2002 sign.20 UN 9.00
P63 5 pounds 2004 Mosque/Ancient relief 15.1.2004 sign.22 UN 8.00
P63 5 pounds 2005 Mosque/Ancient relief 20.2.2005 sign.22 UN 7.00
P63 5 pounds 2005 Mosque/Ancient relief 20.10.2005 sign.22 UN 7.00
P63 5 pounds 2006 Mosque/Ancient relief 29.5.2006 sign.22 UN 6.00
P63 5 pounds 2007 Mosque/Ancient relief 27.2.2007 sign.22 UN 6.00
P63 5 pounds 2009 Mosque/Ancient relief 31.5.2009 sign.22 UN 6.00
P63 5 pounds 2011 Mosque/Ancient relief 17.4.2011 sign.22 UN 5.00
P63 5 pounds 2011 Mosque/Ancient relief 18.4.2011 sign.22 UN 5.00
P64 10 pounds 2003 Mosque/Pharaoh 21.8.2003 sign.20 UN 10.00
P64 10 pounds 2004 Mosque/Pharaoh 27.12.2004 sign.22 UN 8.00
P64 10 pounds 2004 Mosque/Pharaoh 28.12.2004 sign.22 UN 8.00
P64 10 pounds 2008 Mosque/Pharaoh 7.4.2008 sign.22 UN 8.00
P64 10 pounds 2010 Mosque/Pharaoh 19.9.2010 sign.22 UN 7.00
P64 10 pounds 2011 Mosque/Pharaoh 10.1.2011 sign.22 UN 7.00
P64 10 pounds 2011 Mosque/Pharaoh 20.11.2011 sign.22 UN 7.00
P64 10 pounds 2014 Mosque/Pharaoh 22.5.2014 sign.23 UN 7.00
P65 20 pounds 2004 Mosque/Chariot,frieze 9.11.2004 sign.22 UN 8.00
P65 20 pounds 2004 Mosque/Chariot,frieze 16.11.2004 sign.22 UN 8.00
P65 20 pounds 2007 Mosque/Chariot,frieze 8.8.2007 sign.22 UN 7.00
P65 20 pounds 2010 Mosque/Chariot,frieze 31.12.2010 sign.22 UN 7.00
P65 20 pounds 2015 Mosque/Chariot,frieze 22.3.2015 UN 7.00
P65 20 pounds 2016 Mosque/Chariot,frieze 10.3.2016 UN 7.00
P65 20 pounds 2018 Mosque/Chariot,frieze 1.11.2018 UN 7.00
P66 50 pounds 2004 Mosque/Columns 30.9.2004 sign.22 UN 20.00
P66 50 pounds 2011 Mosque/Columns 2.5.2011 sign.22 UN 18.00
P66 50 pounds 2013 Mosque/Columns 9.4.2013 sign.23 UN 18.00
P67 100 pounds 2005 Mosque/Sphinx 21.6.2005 sign.22 UN 30.00
P67 100 pounds 2011 Mosque/Sphinx 22.5.2011 sign.22 UN 25.00
P67 100 pounds 2014 Mosque/Sphinx 3.9.2014 sign.23 UN 25.00
P72 5 pounds 2018 Mosque/Ancient relief 4.24.2018 UN 4.00
P73 10 pounds 2015 Mosque/Pharaoh 7.2.2010 sign.23 UN 5.00
P73 10 pounds 2018 Mosque/Pharaoh 1.8.2018 sig.24 UN 5.00
P74 100 pounds 2017 Mosque/Sphinx 5.9.2017 sign.24 UN 35.00
P82 20 pounds 2023 Mosque/Pyramid UN 4.00
Currency notes
P164 5 piastres 1940 Mosque of Emir Khairbak
“A/4”sign.Osman F 25.00
P165a 5 piastres 1940 Kg.Farouk “A/5”
sign.Ebeid F 25.00
P165a 5 piastres 1940 Kg.Farouk “G/5”
sign.Ebeid F 25.00
P168 10 piastres 1940 Kg,Farouk “K/4”
sign.Ebeid F 20.00
P168 10 piastres 1940 Kg,Farouk “Z/4” sign.? F 20.00
P176c 5 piastres 1940 Nefertiti “D/14”
sign.Salah Eldin XF 15.00
P180b 5 piastres 1940 Nefertiti “F/16”
sign.Kaissouny UN 8.00
P180c 5 piastres 1940 Nefertiti “F/21”blue
sign.Nazih A.Deif XF 8.00
P181b 10 piastres 1940 People “V/16”
sign.Kaissouny UN 15.00
P181d 10 piastres 1940 People “F/21” sign.Nazih
A.Deif UN 15.00
P182f 5 piastres 1940 Nefertiti “M/40”
sign.M.Salah E.Hamed UN 6.00
P182g 5 piastres 1940 Nefertiti “D/45”
sign.Aly Loutfy UN 5.00
P182j 5 piastres 1940 Nefertiti “H/52”
sign.Salah Eldin UN 3.00
P183g 10 piastres 1971 People “I/40” sign.Aly
Loutfy UN 5.00
P183h 10 piastres 1971 People “N/45”
sign.A.Meguid UN 4.00
P184a 10 piastres 1984 People “S/49”
sign.S.Hamed UN 4.00
P184b 10 piastres 1984 People “D/74” sign.El
Razaz UN 4.00
P185 5 piastres 1998 Nefertiti/ “1” green UN 4.00
P187 10 piastres 1998 Sphinx/Mosque “2”
sign.Elghareed UN 4.00
P188 5 piastres 1998 Nefertiti/ “2” blue UN 4.00
P189a 10 piastres 1998 Sphinx/Mosque “2”
sign.Elghareeb UN 3.00
P189b 10 piastres 1998 Sphinx/Mosque “6”
sign.Hassanein UN 3.00
P190Aa 5 piastres 2002 Nefertiti/ small# UN 3.00
P190Ab 5 piastres 2002 Nefertiti/ large# UN 3.00
P191 10 piastres 2006 Sphinx/Mosque “7” sign.Boutros
Ghali UN 3.00
P87 1 colon 1952 Coffee,lake/ VF 120.00
P87 1 colon 1954 Coffee,lake/ XF 140.00
P90 1 colon 1956 Bank/Columbus UN 200.00
P100 1 colon 1966 Bank/Columbus XF 45.00
P105 1 colon 1964 Clowing/Columbus 1966 XF 80.00
P115 1 colon 1971 Canas/Columbus 1974 UN 35.00
P120 1 colon 1974 Dam/Columbus 1977 UN 30.00
P125 1 colon 1977 Dam/Columbus 1977 UN 25.00
P125 1 colon 1979 Dam/Columbus 1979 UN 25.00
P125 1 colon 1980 Dam/Columbus 17.10.1980 UN 25.00
P125 1 colon 1980 Dam/Columbus 10.10.1980 UN 25.00
P129b 10 colones 1980 Arce/Columbus 10.12.1980 TDLR UN 50.00
P133A 1 colon 1982 Dam/Columbus 1982 UN 30.00
P134 5 colones 1988 Meeting/Columbus UN 30.00
P135 10 colones 1983 Arce/Columbus UN 70.00
P137 100 colones 1988 Monument/Columbus F 35.00
P144 10 colones 1996 Arce/Columbus UN 45.00
P147 “E” 5 colones 1997 Columbus/National Palace UN 40.00
P147 “F” 5 colones 1997 Columbus/National Palace UN 40.00
P148 “C” 10 colones 1997 Columbus/Volcano UN 45.00
P148 “D” 10 colones 1997 Columbus/Volcano UN 45.00
P153 5 colones 1999 Columbus/National Palace UN 35.00
P1f 100 francs 1962 Eboue/Port “Cameroon” F 150.00
P3c 100 francs 1963 Man/Elephant “Congo” VG 75.00
P8 1000 ekuele 1975 Nguema/Bank AU 50.00
P9 25 ekuele 1975 Nguema/Bridge UN 40.00
P11 100 ekuele 1975 “Masie”/Port UN 30.00
P20 500 francos 1985 Carving/Man carving mask UN 25.00
P21 1000 francos 1985 Map/Elephant UN 70.00
P2 5 nakfa 1997 Boy,men/Jacaranda tree UN 6.00
P3 10 nakfa 1997 Young woman/Train of bridge UN 10.00
P4 20 nakfa 1997 Young girls/Woman harvesting UN 20.00
P5 50 nakfa 1997 Boys/Port UN 110.00
P7 50 nakfa 2004 Boys/Port UN 30.00
P8 100 nakfa 2004 Young girls/Farmers plowing UN 80.00
P9 50 nakfa 2011 Boys/Port UN 20.00
P12 10 nakfa 2012 Young woman/Train of bridge UN 12.00
P13 20 nakfa 2012 Young girls/Woman harvesting UN 20.00
P41 20 penni 1919 Windmill/ AU 30.00
P42 50 penni 1919 Ornamental design/ XF 35.00
P44 3 marka 1919 Agricultural symbols/ VF 75.00
P45 5 marka 1919 Plowing/ AU 150.00
P46d 10 maeka 1919 Shepherd/Man with horse F 90.00
P62 5 krooni 1929 Fischerman/Arms XF 120.00
P64 20 krooni 1932 Shepherd/ XF 30.00
P65 50 krooni 1929 Coastline/Arms AU 220.00
P66 100 krooni 1935 Blacksmith/Arms F 100.00
P70 repl 2 krooni 1991 K.E. von Baer/Tatru University UN 25.00
P71a 5 krooni 1991 Keres/Jaanilinn fort UN 40.00
P71b 5 krooni 1994 Keres/Jaanilinn fort UN 9.00
P72a 10 krooni 1991 Hurt/Oak tree UN 15.00
P72b 10 krooni 1992 Hurt/Oak tree UN 12.00
P73a 25 krooni 1991 Hansen-Tammsaare/Rural farm UN 90.00
P73b 25 krooni 1992 Hansen-Tammsaare/Rural farm UN 35.00
P77 10 krooni 1994 Hurt/Oak tree UN 9.00
P78a 50 krooni 1994 Tobias/Opera UN 30.00
P82 100 krooni 1999 Koidula/Limestone
shore UN 60.00
P84 25 krooni 2002 Hansen/Rural farm UN 18.00
P86a 10 krooni 2006 Hurt/Oak tree UN 6.00
P87 25 krooni 2007 Hansen/Rural farm UN 20.00
P12c 1 dollar 1945 Selassie,plowing/Arms XF 80.00
P13c 5 dollars 1945 Selassie,acacia/Arms F 30.00
P13c 5 dollars 1945 Selassie,acacia/Arms XF 120.00
P18 1 dollar 1961 Selassie,coffee
trees/Arms F 30.00
P27 10 dollars 1966 Selassie,bank/Arms F 20.00
P28 50 dollars 1966 Selassie,dam/Arms VF 80.00
P30 1 birr 1976 Young man/Waterfalls sign.1 UN 15.00
P30 1 birr 1976 Young man/Waterfalls sign.2 UN 12.00
P31 5 birr 1976 Coffee/Kudu,leopard sign.1 UN 32.00
P36 1 birr 1987 Young man/Waterfalls sign.3 UN 15.00
P41a 1 birr 1991 Young man/Waterfalls sign.3 UN 10.00
P41b 1 birr 1991 Young man/Waterfalls sign.4 UN 8.00
P42 5 birr 1991 Coffee/Kudu,leopard sign.3 UN 20.00
P42 5 birr 1991 Coffee/Kudu,leopard sign.4 UN 16.00
P43 10 birr 1991 Women weaving basket/Tractor sign.3 UN 20.00
P43 10 birr 1991 Women weaving basket/Tractor sign.4 UN 16.00
P47 5 birr 1997 Coffee harvest/Kudu,lynx UN 8.00
P47 5 birr 2000 Coffee harvest/Kudu,lynx UN 7.00
P47 5 birr 2003 Coffee harvest/Kudu,lynx UN 7.00
P47 5 birr 2006 Coffee harvest/Kudu,lynx UN 7.00
P47 5 birr 2013 Coffee harvest/Kudu,lynx UN 7.00
P47 5 birr 2015 Coffee harvest/Kudu,lynx UN 7.00
P48 10 birr 2000 Women weaving basket/Tractor UN 7.00
P48 10 birr 2003 Women weaving basket/Tractor UN 7.00
P48 10 birr 2006 Women weaving basket/Tractor UN 6.00
P51 50 birr 2004 Plowing/Castle UN 25.00
P51 50 birr 2012 Plowing/Castle UN 25.00
P52 100 birr 2007 Plowing/Scientist UN 35.00
P57 100 birr 2023 Fortrees/Sof Omar caves UN 10.00
P58 200 birr 2020 Pigeon/Capricorn UN 15.00
P9 1 krone 1940 UN 500.00
P18 10 kronur 1974 Shield with ram/House UN 30.00
P21f 100 kronur 1994 Hammershaimb/Drawing of house UN 100.00
P24 50 kronur 2001 Ram’s horn/Sumba cliffs UN 40.00
P25 100 kronur 2002 Tail of a codfish/Klaksvik F 45.00
P30 100 kronur 2011 Tail of a codfish/Klaksvik UN 100.00
P8b 1 pound 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/ UN 400.00
P8c 1 pound 1977 Qn.Elizabeth II/ F 100.00
P12 comm 5 pounds 1983 “150th Anniversary 1833-1883” UN 80.00
P14 10 pounds 1986 Qn.Elizabeth II/Building UN 70.00
P15 20 pounds 1984 Qn.Elizabeth II/Building UN 140.00
P17 5 pounds 2005 Qn.Elizabeth II/Building UN 30.00
British Colony
P37 5 shillings 1949 Kg.George VI/ F 170.00
P37 5 shillings 1951 Kg.George VI/ F 120.00
P38 10 shillings 1941 Kg.George VI/ VG 100.00
P51 5 shillings 1964 Qn.Elizabeth II/ F 50.00
P51 5 shillings 1964 Qn.Elizabeth II/ VF 120.00
P51 5 shillings 1965 Qn.Elizabeth II/ F 50.00
P52 10 shillings 1962 Qn.Elizabeth II/ F 80.00
P52 10 shillings 1964 Qn.Elizabeth II/ F 80.00
P53 1 pound 1967 Qn.Elizabeth II/ F 140.00
P58 50 cents 1968 Qn.Elizabeth II/Coconut palms AU 50.00
P64a 50 cents 1971 Qn.Elizabeth II/Coconut palms VF 10.00
P65a 1 dollar 1971 Qn.Elizabeth II/Yanuca beach AU 100.00
P66a 2 dollars 1971 Qn.Elizabeth II/ VF 60.00
P71a 1 dollar 1974 Qn.Elizabeth II/Seaside UN 70.00
P86 1 dollar 1987 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fruit
market B&W UN 22.00
P87 2 dollars 1987 Qn.Elizabeth II/Sugar
cane B&W UN 45.00
P89 1 dollar 1993 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fruit
market UN 12.00
P96a 2 dollars 1996 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fijian
family UN 20.00
P96b 2 dollars 1996 Qn.Elizabeth II/Fijian
family UN 10.00
P97 5 dollars 1996 Qn.Elizabeth II/Airport UN 50.00
P98b 10 dollars 1996 Qn.Elizabeth II/Boat UN 60.00
P99b 20 dollars 1996 Qn.Elizabeth II/Parliament UN 90.00
P100a 50 dollars 1996 Qn.Elizabeth II/Cession UN 200.00
P101a 5 dollars 1995 Qn.Elizabeth II/Airport UN 40.00
P101b 5 dollars 1995 Qn.Elizabeth II/Airport UN 35.00
P104 repl 2 dollars 2002 Qn.Elizabeth II/Family UN 15.00
P105a 5 dollars 2002 Qn.Elizabeth II/Airport UN 10.00
P105b 5 dollars 2002 Qn.Elizabeth II/Airport UN 10.00
P106 10 dollars 2002 Qn.Elizabeth II/Boat UN 20.00
P107 20 dollars 2002 Qn.Elizabeth II/Parliament UN 40.00
P109a 2 dollars 2007 Qn.Elizabeth II/Family UN 5.00
P110a 5 dollars 2007 Qn.Elizabeth II/Iguana UN 7.00
P110b 5 dollars 2007 Qn.Elizabeth II/Iguana UN 7.00
P111a 10 dollars 2007 Qn.Elizabeth II/Grand Pacific Hotel UN 18.00
P111b 10 dollars 2007 Qn.Elizabeth II/Grand Pacific Hotel UN 18.00
P112a 20 dollars 2007 Qn.Elizabeth II/Logging UN 35.00
P114 100 dollars 2007 Qn.Elizabeth II/Map of Fiji UN 180.00
P115a 5 dollars 2012 Parrot/Iguana,flower UN 6.00
P115a repl 5 dollars 2012 Parrot/Iguana,flower UN 15.00
P116a 10 dollars 2012 Beli fish/Grand Pacific Hotel UN 15.00
P117a 20 dollars 2012 Bird/Logging,mining UN 40.00
P120 comm 7 dollars 2016 “Gold Medal Win 2016” UN 15.00
Russian Empire
P3c 10 markkaa 1898 Woman standing/Arms
s.Wegelius-Ahlfors F 200.00
P9 5 markkaa 1909 Arms/
s.Jarnefelt-Hisinger-Jagerskiold F 30.00
P9 5 markkaa 1909 Arms/
s.Basilier-Thesleff F 30.00
P16 1 markan 1915 Arms/Seria A
s.Jarnefelt-Muller F 40.00
P16 1 markan 1915 Arms/no serial# s.Clas
von Collan-Muller VG 15.00
Pepole Commissariat-1918
P19A 1 markkaa 1916 Tulips/s.Jarnefelt-Hisinger-Jagerskiold VG 8.00
P24 5 markkaa 1909 Arms/ issued-1918
s.Jarnefelt-Muller VF 40.00
P35 1 makkaa 1918 Tulips/ s.Jarnefelt-Hisinger-Jagerskiold UN 30.00
P36 5 markkaa 1918 /arms
s.Basilier-Hisinger-Jagerskiold F 35.00
P42 5 markkaa 1922 Tree/Arms
s.Basilier-Hisinger-Jagerskiold VF 35.00
“C” 1000 markkaa 1922 Nude
people/Arms sign.Rangell-Wahlman F 220.00
“D” 50 markkaa 1939 Nude
people/Arms sign.Rangell-Carpelan F 30.00
“A” 10 markkaa 1945 Tree/Arms/
s.Kivialho-Kilpinen F 10.00
“A” 20 markkaa 1945 Tree/Arms
sign.Tuomioja-WaBirdhlman XF 25.00
“A” 20 markkaa 1945 Tree/Arms
sign.Tuomioja-Aspelund F 15.00
P85 “B” 10 markkaa 1945 Tree/Arms
sign.Tuomioja-Carpelan VF 10.00
“B” 10 markkaa 1945 Tree/Arms
sign.Raittinen-Aspelnd AU 20.00
“B” 20 markkaa 1945 Tree/Arms
sign.Keekkonen-Alsiala AU 30.00
“B” 100 markkaa 1945 Arms/Woman
sign.Tuomioja-Alsiala F 25.00
“B” 100 markkaa 1945 Arms/Woman
sign.Tuomioja-Carpelan F 25.00
“B” 100 markkaa 1945 Arms/Woman
sign.Tuomioja-Kilpinen F 25.00
“B” 100 markkaa 1945 Arms/Woman
sign.Kekkonen-Alsiala VF 35.00
P98(1) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Waris-Aspelund UN 5.00
P98(4) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Waris-Tornroth UN 5.00
P98(5) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Leinonen-Aspelund UN 5.00
P98(6) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Leinonen-Engberg UN 5.00
P98(8) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Leinonen-Tornroth UN 5.00
P98(9) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Leinonen-Luukka UN 5.00
P98(12) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Simonen-Aspelund UN 5.00
P98(13) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Simonen-Engberg UN 5.00
P98(15) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Simonen-Tornroth UN 5.00
P98(25) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Rossi-Aspelund UN 5.00
P98(26) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Rossi-Engberg UN 5.00
P98(28) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Rossi-Tornroth UN 5.00
P98(33) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Koivisto-Tornroth UN 5.00
P98(35) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
s.Koivisto-Voutilainen UN 5.00
P98(36) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Koivisto-Helela UN 5.00
P98(37) 1 markkaa 1963 Wheat ears/Arms
sign.Koivisto-Aranko UN 5.00
P99(33) 5 markkaa 1963 Conifer/Arms
sign.Karjalainen-Tammivuori UN 35.00
P99(68) 5 markkaa 1963 Conifer/Arms
sign.Hetemaki-Luukka UN 35.00
P104a(91) 10 markkaa 1963 Paasikivi/Arms sign.Uusivirta-Helenius UN 30.00
“B” 5 markkaa 1963 Conifer/Arms
sign.Karjalainen-Koivikko UN 6.00
“B” 5 markkaa 1963 Conifer/Arms
sign.Uusivirta-Nars UN 6.00
“B” 5 markkaa 1963 Conifer/Arms
sign.Kullberg-Helenius UN 6.00
“B” 5 markkaa 1963 Conifer/Arms
sign.Alenius-Puntila UN 6.00
P109(13) 100 markkaa 1976 Snellman/Arms sign.Karjalainen-Nars F 25.00
P111(1) 10 markkaa 1980 Paasikivi/Arms
sign.Karjalainen-Puntila UN 17.00
P111(24) 10 markkaa 1980 Paasikivi/Arms sign.Uusivirta-Hamalainen UN 17.00
P111(35) 10 markkaa 1980 Paasikivi/Arms sign.Alenius-Puntila UN 17.00
P112(15) 10 markkaa 1980 Paasikivi/Arms sign.Alenius-Makinen UN 15.00
P113(4) 10 markkaa 1986 Nurmi/Stadium
sign.Uusivirta-Makinen UN 15.00
P72 5 francs 1918 France/Docker 9.1.1918 F 35.00
p/h 5 francs 1928 France/Docker
12.7.1928 F 30.00
p/h 5 francs 1928 France/Docker
18.9.1928 F 30.00
p/h 50 francs 1936 Ceres/Mercury
16.7.1936 VG 20.00
p/h 10 francs 1940 Minerva/Farm
woman 12.12.1940 F 7.00
p/h 100 francs 1938 Allegorical
figures/Blacksmith F 25.00
P94 100 francs 1942 Woman/Sully 2.4.1942 F 15.00
P98 5 francs 1943 Shepherd/Woman,flowers VF 15.00
P99 10 france 1943 Miner/Peasant woman VF 10.00
P102 1000 francs 1942 Goddess Demeter with
Mercury/Mercury XF 140.00
P107 1000 francs 1944 Marianne/ F 50.00
Allied Military Currency
P123c 100 francs 1944 /“France” F 6.00
P123c 100 francs 1944 /“France” VF 12.00
p/h 1000 francs 1948 Woman/Woman F 20.00
P138 10 new francs 1957 Cardinal Richelieu/ F 150.00
p/h 10 francs 1963 Voltaire/ 5.12.1963 F 5.00
p/h 10 francs 1965 Voltaire/ 4.2.1965 F 5.00
P147 10 francs 1967 Voltaire/ 2.3.1967 F 5.00
P147 10 francs 1972 Voltaire/ 7.9.1972 VF 12.00
p/h 100 francs 1972 Corneille/Rouen F 20.00
p/h 100 francs 1977 Corneille/Rouen F 20.00
P149f 100 francs 1978 Corneille/Rouen F 25.00
P151 20 francs 1993 Debussy/ UN 30.00
P151 20 francs 1997 Debussy/ UN 20.00
p/h 200 francs 1983 Montesquien/Castle of
Labrede F 15.00
p/h 200 francs 1989 Montesquien/Castle of
Labrede F 15.00
p/h 200 francs 1990 Montesquien/Castle of
Labrede VF 25.00
P157 50 francs 1993 Saint-Exupery/Plane UN 35.00
P157 50 francs 1997 Saint-Exupery/Plane UN 35.00
P160 500 francs 1994 M&P Curie/ UN 200.00
Issue for occupied Germany and Austria
M9 100 francs 1947 Tresor rancais F 50.00
P8a 10 francs 1964 Girl/Fruit harvest
sign.1 F 100.00
P8b 10 francs 1964 Girl/Fruit harvest
sign.2 F 80.00
P8b 10 francs 1964 Girl/Fruit harvest
sign.2 F 80.00
P6 5 francs 1941 Man/Weaving F 80.00
P11 10 francs 1941 Marianne/ F 80.00
P17d 20 francs 1944 Marianne/ black# “A” F 80.00
p/h 50 francs 1947 Belain
d’Esnambuc/Woman VG 30.00
P48b 1 piastre 1927 Woman/ sign.7 XF 80.00
P58 1 piastre 1942 Junks and Sampans/Figure F 40.00
P61 5 piastres 1942 /Pavillon F 30.00
P81 20 piastres 1949 Woman/Woman VF 80.00
p/h 10 cents 1939 Dancer/Elephants sign.11 XF 20.00
P85e 10 cents 1939 Dancer/Elephants sign.14
dark brown AU 20.00
P88a 5 cents 1942 sign.black AU 20.00
P88b 5 cents 1942 sign.green XF 6.00
P89a 10 cents 1942 GD 280 799 XF 10.00
P90 20 cents 1942 Dragons/ XF 15.00
P92 1 piastre 1953 Woman/ sign.15 UN 100.00
Cambodia Branch;
P95 5 piastres 1954 Banana trees/Naga F 30.00
Vietnam Branch;
P104 1 piastre 1953 Bao Dai/ XF 20.00
P105 1 piastre 1953 Trees/Lion UN 45.00
P106 5 piastres 1953 Banana,palm/BaoDai F 10.00
P1g 500 francs 1995 Fisherman/Man UN 30.00
P2i 1000 francs 1995 Hut,girl/deer,hut UN 50.00
P2m 1000 francs 1995 Hut,girl/deer,hut UN 50.00
P6a 1000 francs 2014 Turtle/Birds UN 35.00
P5B 5 francs 1928 Dakar/ F 50.00
p/h 5 francs 1936 Man/weaving/ F 25.00
P21 5 francs 1939 Man/weaving/ F 25.00
p/h 25 francs 1936 Man/Lion
value blue F 35.00
P22 25 francs 1939 Man/Lion value blue F 30.00
p/h 5 francs 1942 Woman/ F 20.00
P28 5 francs 1942 Woman/ VF 35.00
P28 5 francs 1942 Woman/ XF 45.00
P30a 25 francs 1942 Woman/Plane and palms VF 30.00
p/h 100 francs 1942 Baobab
tree/Huts and palms VF 55.00
P31 100 francs 1942 Baobab tree/Huts and
palms VF 65.00
P33a 0.50 francs 1944 red-orange VF 10.00
P36 5 francs 1953 Woman/Man VF 25.00
P36 5 francs 1953 Woman/Man XF 55.00
p/h 10 francs 1954 Hunters/ F 15.00
P38 25 francs 1943 Woman/Man F 25.00
P39 50 francs 1948 Man/Bananas F 50.00
P39 50 francs 1952 Man/Bananas F 40.00
P40 100 francs 1948 Woman w/fruit bowl/Family F 45.00